5. As the Years Pass

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It was my second day at Sabertooth. I went into the guild early in the morning to see Sting, Rouge, Rufus, Minerva, and another muscular man-quite muscular for a 16 year old, anyway-I didn't recognize sitting at a table together.

"Hey, Red!" Sting called, waving.

"Good morning," Rufus said, placing his hat on his chest and bowing slightly, while Rouge just gave a slight nod in acknowledgement.

I walked over to them saying, "Good morning."

"Oh, so you're that newbie that everyone's talking about. Red right? My name's Orga Nanagear. Nice to meet you," said the muscular man, holding out a hand.

"Likewise," I said, taking it.

Everything was going smoothly. I talked to the group and got to know them some more. I found out that Rufus used Memory Make magic, a lost molding magic, Orga used Thunder God Slaying magic, also a lost magic, and Minerva used territory, a magic that let's you change the property of space. Together, the 5 of them, along with Lector and Frosh, made up Sabertooth's strongest team. I told them that I used requip magic, not telling them the whole thing, but not exactly lying either, since my magic, The Knight, was basically just an advanced form of requip magic that changed my attire as well.

As the year passed, I triumphed in the next S-class placement exam, therefore earning the title of an S-class mage of Sabertooth. I became part of the strongest team after this accomplishment, since all of the members were S-class wizards. Over the years, I increased my magical power by so much, that I was able to use Nakagami Armor for a long period of time (without having second origin) and still have energy left over, although I perfected this technique in secret, not wanting anyone to know my true identity. I became stronger than Minerva, therefore becoming Sabertooth's strongest wizard, and called Sabertooth's Titania among my guild mates, which was pure coincidence that it was so similar to the one I once bore. Even with my placement in the guild, I never participated in the Grand Magic Games, although Sabertooth always won easily even without me.

As time passed, I began to train alone a lot. During my training sessions, I gradually learned how to be able to adapt the properties of my armors just by equipping my swords, similar to the way of Erza Knightwalker, except I was able to draw multiple swords at once. I had a majority of my swords customized (not all of them), though they still bore the same abilities, just in case somebody recognized my weapons when I went on a job. I changed a few of my armors as well, just in case I ever needed to use them.

Even though I was content in my guild, I still worried about Fairy Tail, hearing as they've become Fiore's weakest guild and are having money problems, so when I had leftover money from jobs that I didn't need (which happened quite often) I would go to Fairy Tail in disguise and drop the money off, though never staying long enough for them to question who I was or what my motives were. I had heard that Lucy's father, Jude Heartfillia, was now a successful, hardworking member of Love & Lucky, a traders guild, and so I often went to visit him, showing him my real identity, and telling him stories about Lucy's time in the guild. I continued that lifestyle for a year, then hearing news that Jellal had escaped from prison and formed an independent guild called Crime Sorciare with Ultear Milkovich and Meredy from Grimore Heart. At the time, I was burdened by it, but then came to not think much of it and continue life like I did before, and then 6 more years went by.

Sabertooth had become cold and was always concerned about power. The strongest team had disbanded saying 'everybody for themselves.' Due to everyone's conceitedness, I didn't talk to anyone, nor did anyone talk to me, and those rare times they did speak to me, I would reply, but kept my speech as short as possible. Yukino, a celestial spirit wizard, had joined the guild, Jude had died, and I heard news that the main members of Fairy Tail had come back, which was later proved to be true after the Zentopia incident. I also heard that they were going to participate in the Grand Magic Games, and that's when I decided to participate, even though I never did in any of the previous years.

A/N: I still need an opinion on who to ship Erza with. So far I only have the following:




That's it and I only have 1 of each vote so I NEED your opinion. Anyways, thanks for reading

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