3. S-Class Exam

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It was 5 months after Erza 'died' and the guild was just about back to normal, well, besides 3 things. 1. Natsu and Gray stopped fighting. 2. Wendy and Mirajane changed their appearances. 3. The guild became more organized and a lot less destructive. Other than that, not much had changed, and not Master Makarov had just announced the S-class exam, the participants being Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Cana Alberona, Elfman Strauss, Mest Gryder, Freed Justine, and Levy McGarden. Each and every one of them had their own purpose for becoming S-class, like Natsu for Igneel, Gray for Ul, Juvia for her 'Gray-sama,' Cana for Gildarts, Elfman for Mirajane, Mest for the council, Freed for Laxus, and Levy for Shadow Gear, but undoubtedly, each and every one of them (besides Mest) was doing it for Erza.

The exam required partners, so Natsu went with Happy, Gray with Leo (Loki), Juvia with Lisanna, Cana with Lucy, Elfman with Evergreen, Mest with Wendy, Freed with Bickslow, and Levy with Gajeel. It took place on Tenroujima (Heaven Wolf Island), Fairy Tail's holy island where there were two trials, the first one being taking trails. There were 2 'quiet' trails, 2 trails where two teams battled, and 2 trails where you had to face either Mirajane or Guildarts. Team Levy and Team Elfman got the 'quiet' trails, Team Cana won against Team Freed, Team Gray won against Team Mest, Team Natsu 'won' against Guildarts (if you call that winning), and Team Juvia was defeated by Mirajane.

The second trial was a race to find the grave of Fairy Tail's first master, Mavis Vermillion, the time limit being 6 hours, but during the race, Tenroujima was invaded by Grimore Heart, one of the 3 pillars of the Bram Alliance. Fairy Tail managed to defeat all the members, as well as Master Hades, with the help of Laxus, but Acnologia appeared. The black dragon's roar hit the island, but not before Master Mavis was able to convert the members' bonds into one of the 3 great fairy spells: Fairy Sphere, an impenetrable magic shield that protected the members, but unfortunately, it could not be dispelled for 7 long years.

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