2. What Really Happened

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Erza's P.O.V

"Ow," I said to myself, slumping down the wall of a cave, clutching my left arm that I had cut off due to poisoning. Let me explain. I went on a mission to defeat a poisonous monster that poisoned my right arm. I couldn't fight with it, so I had to cut it off. it was a hard decision, considering that my guild mark was on my left arm, and if I cut it off, I would no longer be a member of the guild, but then, I considered that if I didn't do it I would die. After cutting it off, I quickly defeated it with only my right arm, and set off in search for a river to wash away the blood, knowing that I would scare people if I arrived in town with this wound, though I could barely even stand due to my left leg being broken and my right being sprained. After finally washing the blood away, I followed the river, limping, until I reached a cave, and here I am now, collapsing from my legs finally giving in. To be honest, I actually expected that to happen sooner. I couldn't move anymore as my body slowly became numb, causing me to black out.

When I finally came to, I found that my arm had started bleeding again, so with the little energy I had left, I requipped into my Robe of Yuen (flexible armor) and tore it, wrapping it around my arm and other major wounds. Later on in the day, I was able to kill a wild boar with my javelin, cut it into pieces, and cook it on a stick by setting some firewood into flames with my Fire Empress Sword. It wasn't exactly the finest meal, but given my current situation, it was pretty good.

I continued like that for a few months, or so I believe. Just long enough for my sprained ankle and broken leg to heal. Once they did, I decided to head into town, but was quite hesitant. By now, I bet they already had a funeral for me, so I decided to disguise myself. I requipped into a plain crimson dress, vermilion flats, a black cloak, and a red masquerade mask with silver designs. I tied my hair into a bun before pulling up the hood, not wanting people to see my recognizable hair color. I came to the town where the client for the job lived, and went to a cafe, buying a proper meal with some money that I had brought with me before I left. For the next two months, I traveled aimlessly, staying on a town I had happened on for a week, before setting off for another, taking jobs to earn money here and there.

By now, word had gotten around that I had died, and I heard that rumor at nearly every town I came upon, a pain arising in my chest every time I heard it. I wanted to go back to Fairy Tail, prove that I was still alive, but I couldn't. I mean, how could I? They already held a funeral for me, and I heard that the guild had changed a lot ever since I 'died.' Who knows if they'll still except me, now that i'm no longer part of the guild? As I thought this, I glanced at my stub of a left arm, still covered in bandages.

I knew I couldn't continue fighting with one arm, so I journeyed to find a healer. One who I knew would keep my secret: Porlyusica-san. I headed to Magnolia in search for the human-hating healer, and once I had arrived at her cottage, she greeted me with:

"Who is it? Scram! I hate humans!"

I laughed a bit and said, "I know that," taking off my mask and hood.

Her eyes widened. "Erza! Is that you, child?"

"It's good to see you again, Porlyusica-san."

She put down her broom and opened the door a little wider. "Come in." As I walked inside the familiar cottage, she asked, "What is it that you need?"

I showed her my left arm and explained to her that I had cu if off and asked if she could make an artificial one, like she did my right eye when I was little. As she mixed the elixir, she bombarded me with all sorts of questions. 

"Why didn't you go back to the guild?"

"My left arm had my guild mark, so now that I cut it off, I am no longer a member of Fairy Tail."

"They would still accept you."

"I know, but they already held a funeral for me."

"Do you know how much they miss you?"

"Even if they do, I don't know how to face hem. I've been gone for months.They probably all moved on already."

She sighed as she gave up on trying to convince me. "Here, use this," she said, handing me a potion.

I unwrapped the bandages and poured the solution on my arm. I watched as it slowly grew back, forming a hand and fingers, although as expected, my dark blue gulid mark was gone. The process hurt, but it was worth it. I smiled as my hand formed into a fist.

"Thank you, Porlyusica-san. Oh, and do you mind keeping this visit a secret?" I asked, as I opened the door, putting on my hood and mask.

"I won't tell unless they ask," she said gruffly, "Now get out! I hat humans!"

"Yeah, yeah," I said, stepping outside.

"Oh yes, and child?"


"Come visit again, would you?"

I smiled. "Of course, Grandine," I said playfully, closing the door, but not before catching a glimpse of her smile softly that the mention of her name.

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