Chapter 1

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"Wake up", my mom said "it's 5:30 already". I moan in sudden realization that it's the first day of school.
"Is David up yet?" I ask my mum.
"Yes Victoria he's up and in the bathroom".
We live on the farthest route to my school,in a two story building on the second floor is where all the bedrooms and family room  are located, every bedroom is an en-suite all five rooms have different mine is pink even though I feel the color is stupid, my dad said I was too young to pick a color at that time so my mum automatically went with pink.
After taking a long bath I come out and begin to dress in my recently ironed school uniform-a white shirt, short pleated grey skirt and wine blazer with a wine and grey tie with our school name 'Mind Builders' at the bottom in wine letters.
When I finished dressing up I ran down the stairs in two's and ran into the kitchen.
The kitchen is tiled wall to wall and on a line are fair wood cabinets and a slick marble slab run through half of the kitchen before stopping at the corner at which the gas cooker laid then running through the two side by side sinks before ending at fridge.
Opening one of the cabinets I quickly grab a box frosties, a bowl and the tin of powdered milk, I poured the frosties in the bowl dump two spoons of milk and then poured in the slightly warm water I had put on the cooker. Taking my cereal up to the table in the living room I chug it down in five minutes, I then pick up my bowl and retreat to the kitchen.
My brother David then struts into the kitchen and declare I make him breakfast even at his eleven years of he can't make himself a friggin bowl of cereal. I comply after whacking his head a couple of times.
As he eats talks about how happy he is to start high school going "I can't believe I'm gonna be in J.S.S 1-junior secondary school-" I scoff then say "you know nothing about high school just wait and see then tell me if you like it". He looks at me fear in his eyes, I laugh then my comes down the stairs saying "Damilola-she only uses my Yoruba name when she's angry or upset- stop frightening your brother, David she's only joking around don't mind her".
She looks at her watch then goes "7:03  let's go we then hurdle up in the with me in passenger seat of our Venza and my brother at the back we drive out of compound and into the dusty streets looking out the wound up window I can't help but think what this day has on store for me.
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