Lincoln High School

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April's P.O.V.~
I thought that today would be a normal school day, you know, with boring classes, sleepy faces, and terrible cafeteria food, but boy was I wrong. As soon as my dad dropped me off at my new school, just 20 minutes before school started, I could tell that this would be nothing like Roosevelt High.

"Hey! April! Nice to see you again! It's been a while!" I turn around to see a familiar girl standing behind me, but instead of the usual ninja getup that I see her in, she was wearing a leather jacket and jeans. She also had on biker gloves.

"Karai?! You go to Lincoln?! But I thought you were homeschooled!" I asked her, quite astonished to find out someone who I actually knew goes to this school. Karai gave me a soft chuckle.

"Not anymore. I transferred here last week. It's pretty nice once you get used to it," she told me as she put her hands on my shoulders. "Would you like me to show you around?"

"Sure!" I replied, not knowing what was in store for me. Karai smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me down one of the hallways. All of the lockers were green, so they kind of reminded me of the guys...

"So...since when did you start wearing glasses?" Karai asked me while she pulled me down another hallway. Geez! This place is HUGE!

"Uhhhh..." I was stuck! What do I say?! Suddenly, I heard the sound of radio static in my left ear, and then the sound of Donnie's voice.

"Tell her that you recently got them because your eyesight is starting to go blurry," he said just loud enough for me to hear and no one else. So I told her that and everything was fine...or so I thought!

When Karai and I rounded another corner, she stopped dead in her tracks, causing me to faceplant into her back. She slowly started to back up, taking me with her.

"Why are we leaving?" I asked her. I peeked out from behind her, and saw something that I would NEVER forget.

Near the end of the hallway were two girls. One of them was standing above the other, and the other was cowering in fear. I could hear them very clearly from here.

"-What did you do with it?!" The one girl practically screamed. She was wearing heavy eye makeup and had light blue hair. She also was wearing really nice clothes, which probably meant that she had money, and lots of it!

"I-I don't know..." The other girl was just barely able to make audible. I couldn't see her very well, since she was covered up by the girl who was yelling at her. "I-I just found it, and-"

"You shouldn't be picking up things that don't belong to you!" The first girl spat at the other.

"It technically wasn't yours, either..." the second girl whispered under her breath. The first girl slammed her hand onto the lockers, creating a very loud noise.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" She shouted. I could hear the girl gulp, and I watched as she slowly slid down to the ground. "N-nothing..." she whimpered. I heard the first girl chuckle a bit. "That's what I thought!" She was towering over her now. "It's no wonder all of your friends are stray animals."

The girl on the floor looked like she was about to cry. I don't know what snapped, but something did, and I marched over to the 2 girls, with Karai trying her best to stop me, but with no luck. Finally, she just gave up and lingered behind, as if I was entering the lions den. Because I was.

"How dare you speak to her that way!" I shouted at her. The 2 girls looked up at me. The one on the floor looked at me with hope and fear in her eyes, and the one that was bullying her...oh jeez! If looks could kill...I would be dead!

"What did you say!?" She growled at me, clenching her fists. That wasn't going to work on me. I've seen and fought creatures scarier than her, she hasn't. That's the benefit of having mutant turtles as your friends. You could face anything head on, and never be afraid.

"I said..." I stomped up to her until I was about 2 inches away from her face. " dare you speak to her that way!" I snapped back at her. We stood there glaring at each other for a while, until she just laughed.

"You must be new here," she said, giving me a shove and then walking away. I crossed my arms and watched as she walked away.

"I-I can't believe that you stood up for me like that," I heard a voice from behind me say. I turned around to find the girl that was being bullied before. Now that I could see her better, I could see that she had purple hair with blue highlights, a purple t-shirt with the number 3 on it, blue jeans, and brown ankle-high high heeled boots. She was also wearing a dark purple pendent around her neck, and had a purple ninja mask on. It looked an awful lot like Donnie's mask...

"Well, anyone would have done it," I said, and gave her a smile. She just frowned. "But nobody would've had the courage to do it. Nobody ever stands up to Macy Smith," she replied. Macy Smith? The name sounded familiar, but I doubt it would pop into my head right now.

"Well, now that that fiasco is over, allow me to introduce myself. My name is April O'Neil, and I recently transferred here from Roosevelt High School. Nice to meet you!" I stuck my hand out for her to shake it, but she started to back away from it. "What's wrong?" I asked her. The response that I got was definitely not something that a normal student would say.

"The last time I touched someone, I almost made their heart stop..." she whispered under her breath. So instead, she stuck out her finger, and slowly touched my hand. I felt like about 3 hundred volts of electricity went coursing through my body, and I could feel my hair sticking up on its ends. She quickly retracted her hand when she realized what was happening.

"I'm sorry..." She said. "My name is...Don--ta--a..." I could barely make out what she was saying. "What?" I asked her. So she tried again. "It's Don--t--ia..." This wasn't working out very well. She couldn't even tell me her name. That's when I heard Master Splinters voice in my ear.

"Her name is Donnatalia, and she used to be one of my students."

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