The spy glasses

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April's P.O.V.~
I rushed into the lab looking for Donnie. I found him at his work table, like usual.
"Donnie, can I ask you for a favor?" I asked him. He immediately turned around in his swivel chair to face me.
"Sure! What's up?"
I told him the entire story, from the message, to Splinter's promise.
Donnie looked at me with fear in his eyes.
"Y-you mean you're...leaving me-I mean us?!" Donnie quickly stammered.
"No! I'm not leaving! I'm only transferring to a new school. I'll still live in the same house. But since this school will be all the way on the other side of New York City-"
"Say no more," Donnie interrupted. "So you want me to make you something that'll let us see your every move, and alert us if something happens to you or to the people you are trying to help?"
It was like Donnie read my mind.
"Y-yeah! Can you make it for me?" I asked.
"Sure! It'll only take about 30 minutes. I'll let you know when it's ready, April!" he said while running deeper into his lab to grab some supplies.
"Ok, Donnie. I'll be waiting in the main room if you need me!" I said as I ran back into the lair and plopped myself on the couch. Now all I have to do is wait.
~~~~45 minutes later~~~~
"Ok April! It's finished!" Donnie said as he poked his head out of the lab, waving something that was in his hand. I walked over to him and looked at what was in his hand. It was a pair of glasses. I gave him a confused look.
"They're not just glasses, April," Donnie told me. "They're spy glasses. That way, we can see and hear whatever you can see and hear. Oh! And I also installed an earpiece, so that way, we can tell you what to say or do if you get stuck!" Donnie smiled at me once he was done with his explanation. All of sudden, he said, "What do you think, Master Splinter?"
I turned around to face Splinter, who was standing in the doorway and had probably been listening to our entire conversation. He sat thinking for a bit, until he finally said, "Yes. It is a good way for us to keep in contact with her at all times. And if she ever gets in trouble, then we can send someone after you. So now, thanks to Donnatello, she may go." And with that, he walked away. I turned around to face Donnie again.
"Thank you, Donnie! You're the best!" I said. I grabbed the glasses, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and ran out of the lair, unaware of a blushing Donnie behind me. (APRILTELLO!!! OTP!!)
I ran home to get some rest, because I had a feeling that tomorrow was going to be a big day.

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