FIVE: Oh Sh^t pt.2

Start from the beginning

I didn't even notice him stop the car.

" Come on" he said unlocking the doors.

He's a fucking asshole

We walked in and I just let him drag me around the store looking for pain relievers.

As he continued his search I noticed a older women staring at me, she couldn't have been any older than 45.

"Babe" he said I turned to him.

"huh," I replied still looking back at the woman.

" I said that we should get this" he said showing me the bottle,

At this point I didn't really care I was just ready to go.

"You should ask them more about it before you buy it,"

I was trying to get him to give me a moment to myself.

"Okay be right back" he turned to walk away but not before roughly kissing me.

there goes those sparks again

He walked away smirking. I wiped my lips harshly,

"Dumb bitch" I muttered to myself,

I had nothing else to do so I just wandered around,

This would be the perfect time to run...

I looked back to see Jason still talking to the clerk, she was blushing and smiling and he didn't even crack a smile he was serious,

woww she is trying to hard to flirt, not that I care, 

ur lying,

Said a voice in the back of my head,

I don't know why I'm feeling jealous.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone speaking to me 

"Hello, um I'm Sarah" she smiled, it was the woman who looked at me earlier,

"Andrea" I replied sending back her smile.

"Is he your boyfriend" she said pointing to Jason,

"Uhhh, yeahh" I said hesitantly. "your a gorgeous couple" she said overly excited.

"uh, thanks, umm i have to go now" I say hoping she will walk away, nope-_- she continued her one sided conversation

ughhh I'm wasting time!

It was very nice meeting you Andrea" she said

" You too" I said before she walked away quickly.

As soon as I was about to walk out,

" Hey I got them lets go."

ughhhh Jason,

We got back in his car and went back to the place he likes to call our " home"  

We went inside and I went and took the pills I took like 2 so yea I'll be fine.

"Hey some guys are coming over today so i want you to meet them"

I didn't look at him I just looked down,

"Another gang" I said,

"Yea, so I don't want any behavior issues okay"

I nodded and tried to walk away only to be pulled back.

"You don't walk away till I say so," he said sternly,

wow, control freak 

"I want us to have some time together since I've been really busy I hope you don't feel neglected" he looked guilty,

pause that ass up! 

heeeelllllllllllll nawww 

why is he acting like we're a real couple?! 

I guess what I was thinking showed on my face,

"Is that a problem" I snapped out of my trance.

"Nope" I said giving him a fake smile he hugged me I hesitantly hugged back,

But my mind was more on meeting this gang.......


lol she thought she was bout to escape..


Peace, love, and m&m's B-)

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