Chapter Eight

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*Megan's POV*

I collected myself enough so I was able to breathe correctly and stop crying. I noticed the bus wasn't moving anymore and I looked up to see that Mike was the mystery person. Mike was the one who held me while I was having a panic attack, the one that tried to calm me down, who stopped me from fully passing out like I usually did. He looked genuinely concerned not like his normal self. His eyes were filled with worry and fear. He was watching my every move. I sat up so I was facing him instead of the fetus type position I was in previously.

He pulled me into him tighter and asked "Are you okay?" His voice cracked as he spoke.

"Hey, Mike we're back with food!" Jaime yelled as they all piled into the bus. So that's where they all were, I thought to myself. I quickly jumped up and ran into the bathroom locking the door behind me. I sat down on top of the closed toilet resting my elbows just above my knees and held my head in my hands. I let out a deep breath as I listened.

"Mikee?" Jaime paused "Wait. Why are you on the floor?"

"I'm not in the mood for stupid questions Jaime." Mike spat out venomously before he got up. I heard the bus door open then slam. I got up to stand in front of the mirror, I looked like a mess. I wiped my make up off my cheeks and out from under my eyes. I started running the water and pulled my hair back into a loose ponytail. I let out another deep breath before splashing my face with the warm water. I turned the water off, dried my face the best I could with my arm, and walked out of the bathroom.

"What the hell is his problem?!" Jaime questioned me as soon as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Dude, lay off her she probably just woke up and I doubt she would know anyways." Tony said defending me. A fight between them had begun, great. Vic was trying to get them to stop but it was useless. I wasn't paying any attention anymore. I was more focused on what just happened. Mike was scared, worried. I wish I knew what was going on in his head. I walked around Jaime, Tony, and Vic trying to make my way out of the bus. Tony paused from the argument and grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see that confusion was filling his face. I gave him the best reassuring smile I could. I was hoping that he wouldn't realize it was a fake one. He let go of my wrist and I continued walking out of the bus. We were stopped in this small town in the middle of nowhere. We had about 3 hours until we had to be at the venue; we didn't have time for all this. I looked around at my surroundings trying to find Mike. I found him sitting in front of the bus with his head facing the sky. I quietly sat down next to him causing him to turn to face me.

"Thanks for earlier. I don't know what happened I just sort of lost control. I'm sorry." I gave him a weak smile trying to show that I was appreciative of his help. A few seconds passed over us before he opened his mouth.

"I had a friend in high school that would have panic attacks a lot. I was always the one to calm her down so it was sort of instinct." Mike explained and just shrugged it off. I had no idea. He got up extending his arm out to help me up. "We should probably get back to the bus." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. We walked side by side making our way inside. Once we were on the bus I heard that the fighting had stopped, thank god. Vic, Tony, and Jaime were in the back lounge watching a movie so we made our way back there. I sat down next to Tony on the couch and he wrapped his arm around me. Vic was lying down on the floor with his head in Jaime's lap while Jaime ran his fingers through Vic's hair. Mike made his way in and sat down at the other end of the couch. I gave him a quick smile before turning back to TV to watch Star Wars. I woke up to see the credits roll on to the screen. I let out a tiny yawn and looked up at Tony. He smiled then kissed me softly.

"Hey, what time is it? Don't we have to be at the venue by 7 o'clock?" I asked Tony quietly.

"Its 6:30 and we're almost there. Don't worry." I didn't want to be late and I think he realized that. It wasn't much longer before the bus came to a halt. Tony turned off the TV and we all got up. Once we were outside I was hit with the dry heat. It was horrible I don't know why anyone would want to live in this state. The Of Mice and Men, A Day to Remember, and You Me at Six buses were parked close to us. This meant we were the last to get there. We walked into the venue and were greeted by Alex from A Day to Remember and Aaron from Of Mice and Men.

"It's nice of you guys to finally show up."  Alex said jokingly.

"And who is this?" Aaron asked suspiciously

"I'm Megan,"

"She takes really good pictures!" Jaime interrupted me but it was a compliment so I didn't mind so much. I had taken some pictures of A Day to Remember before so I knew them, same with You Me at Six. Of Mice and Men on the other hand I had not met.

"It's nice to meet you Megan. I'm Aaron. I play bass and do clean vocals for Of Mice and Men." He smiled and extended his hand out for me to shake it. Time flew by the rest of the night. I met the rest of Of Mice and Men. They were all nice but I expected that. I got some decent pictures of all the bands. It was a lot of fun. I couldn't believe I was here though it all felt like a dream. After the concert we packed up everything and made our way back to the bus. Everyone was tired so we put in Harry Potter and took turns taking showers in their small bathroom. They insisted I take my shower first saying "Ladies go first." I was really disgusting so I was glad to get to go first. I didn't want to cuddle up on the couch all disgusting and sweaty. When I was done with my shower Mike took his. Vic was next to take a shower, then Jaime, and then Tony. After Tony got in the shower Jaime and Vic had decided to go to bed so it was just Mike and I talking about how much we both loved Harry Potter. By the time Tony was done with his shower Harry Potter was just about done. Tony gave us a weird look but it soon was replaced with a smile when he saw me look towards him.

"I think I'm going to head off to bed. Good night guys." Mike said as he walked off to the bunks.

"Night." Tony and I said in unison.

"We should probably head off too." I suggested after I got off the couch turning off the TV.

"Okay." We walked over to the bunks. I still hadn't picked out a bunk and I was too tired to do it now so I just slid into bed with Tony.

"Mind if I sleep with you?" I asked.

"Of course not." He smiled, pulling me into him tight, and putting the covers over us.

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