As I finish getting dressed into a regular yellow tank top that says "YELLOW" (get it like hello, god this is stupid), and a pair of shorts that were a finger length above my knee, I set my glasses behind the mirror and put on my contacts. Since Lauren said it was okay I brushed and dried my hair quickly. I reached into my dirty jeans front pocket and grabbed my strawberry flavored chap stick. As I was leaving the bathroom I applied my chap stick and walked over to Lauren's room to find her door wide open. I peek my head inside and find her sleeping peacefully on her bed, she looked so small, the bed was huge about, four people could sleep on it. There were about ten pillows on her huge bed and as I looked around her room it had that Tumblr look, she really like to express herself.

She looked very peaceful sleeping so I didn't want to wake her. I wanted to explore a bit so I went off into the next room. To my surprise it was unlocked and as I stepped in the room, it was filled with different types of the same instruments, from guitars to keyboards to a real piano set up in the corner. There was a little booth in another corner with a microphone on a stand and headphones hanging from it. Besides the recording booth, I assume, was a table with many buttons, switches and outputs.

Is Lauren Jauregui a singer undercover? Why did she not tell me? There's a million questions going around in my head, but I must stop snooping around this room if I wanna keep my job. So I turn around and close the door behind me. I may be a little hungry so I step into the kitchen and open the closet. My eyes open even bigger and I let out a tiny shriek.

"Nutella! Fuck yas!" I whisper-scream so I wouldn't wake up Lauren. "Now I just need bananas." I tell myself.

I look around until I find a fruit basket with my name written in bold letters on a flower designed card. I grabbed it and opened it. It read:

"Chancho! Here is my welcome gift for you. Enjoy! I know how much you love bananas (yet your gay xD) anyways I won't be around the mansion for a week because Lauren's dad wants me to help him with something. LOVE YOU CHANCHO!


Gosh I love that girl so much. I grabbed two bananas and walked towards the living room, turning the TV on seeing that it was on Netflix.


Orange is the Black, I love that show! I've only seen like five episodes of it since one time some girl at the park was watching it, she allowed me to watch it with her.

Go away I wanna watch.

Lauren's POV

I was really hoping that once Camila was done showering, she would join me in sleeping. I guess it's too early to be thinking that, but slowly and steady I will gain her trust. It was now twelve P.M. I guess my mom thinks Camila will wake me up. Well she wrong, HA!

I get up and head into the shower quickly because I really want to spend time with Camila. I go for an expensive crop top and a pair of ripped skinny jeans, yes also expensive and my custom made black leather jacket, also very expensive and my only one it's like my most valued treasure, my 'baby'. As soon as I put on my socks, because I have expensive tiled floor, (you get the point everything here is expensive, even the fucking doors are expensive. They could probably feed a five member family for three weeks, which is why my mom and I have different points of view on rich people.) I head down the stairs and hear soft voices.

Going into the living room, I find the TV on with Camila half sitting, half lying down on the couch. Is she sleeping? I move closer and answer my question.

Yup she sleeping, and she looks so cute and peaceful. I wanna cuddle with her so badly. So I come up, slowly, and sit carefully next to her, lifting up her legs then putting them down on my thighs. I lean in just a bit closer and rest my head on the pillow she has on her thighs.

This is so perfect. I grab the remote and start the episode over again because, tbh, I love Orange is the New Black (but who doesn't?).

Camila's POV

I didn't mean to fall asleep, but this damn couch is too soft and comfy. I must have slept for a few minutes, as I opened my eyes I saw and felt something on my thighs. My eyes shot open once I saw who was lying down on me. It was twelve thirty P.M., I tried not to make any sudden movements as I looked at how we were lying. My legs were on both sides of her and she was lying down between them with her head on a pillow, her legs were hanging off the end of the couch due to its size. It felt nice but I have to stop the urge of cuddling even more. So I just start playing with her hair.

"Morning Camz." Lauren says in a friendly tone, I giggle.

"It's afternoon Lauren."

"Oh well in that case. Afternoon Ms. Cabello how was your morning?" I giggle more.

"You're goofy Ms. Jauregui. My morning was nice and made."

"You're welcome for making your day." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Haha, you didn't make my day." I say after a fake laugh.

"I didn't? Well then, who did?" She asks with a pout, she looks so adorable.

"I'm not saying Ms. Jauregui, sorry, let's just say I love them very, very much." I said still absentmindedly playing with her hair.

"Alright if you won't tell me I'll force it out." She started to sit up and yet another smirk was on her face.

"What are you going to-" She started to tickle me and I was laughing my head off, yes I'm very ticklish.

"Tell me and I will stop." She almost yelled because I was so loud, but in a playful way though.

"N...Ne...NEVER!" I told her between and during laughs.

"Gosh you're good. Tough nut to crack." I wish I could wipe that smirk off her face. I can't take much more so in an attempt to escape I rolled over, miss calculated, and ended up on the floor with a thud.

"Ow." I said in a sad voice still trying to catch my breath.

"Oh my god Camz! I'm so sorry."

"Nah it's alright, at least my torture ended." I said flashing her a smile.

"Here, let me help you back on the couch." She held out her hand from her sitting position on the couch. Light bulb!

I grabbed her hand with both of mine and pulled her down where she landed besides me. We both burst out laughing.

"I deserved that." She said in a sad voice and pout.

"Michelle! What on Earth is that ruckuss?!"

(A/N) Hey so too bad Fifth Harmony didnt win but they still proud of us, and congrats to all the 5sos fam you guys also worked hard. Anyways #Kanye2020 he's got my vote! Jk! xD Anyone else?

Ok so I'll keep updating even if people don't read this. On another note this story is just starting so its goes slow in the beginning, but in the next few chapters there will be more Camren and *cough* drama *cough* :P See ya don't forget to share this story and check for updates.


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