Ch. 10 Suprise

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Two months later

After that time with Shantel Ben traded her in for Felicity. But she doesn't know that. That's only because he was bored with her. But he switched them out until then.

Shantel p.o.v

"Ugh, man not again." I groaned escaping from Dukes embrace.

I ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out. I sighed whipping my mouth and brughed my teeth. I heard a knoch on the door frame. I spit and whipped my mouth with a towel. Then looked up to see Duke I nodded at him.

"You sure your okay?" He fold his arms and leans against the frame.

"Yeah maybe just food poisoning." I say laying back into my bed.

He joins me saying "Okay better hope it's not the flu."


Felicity p.o.v

"I hate you so much!" I screamed at Ben.

He charged at me and I ran to the bathroom. He reached his arm out and grabbed me then threw me to the wall. I groaned in pain.

"Don't you ever talk to me that way again!" His face burning red with anger.

I picked myself up off the ground and he kicked me in my rib. A tear slid down my face from the impact. I tried to get up but he picked me up from the shoulders. Threw me against the way again this time I screamed. Then pined me against it making me face him. He punched me then threw me against the bed. I crawled I the other end and he pulled me by my feet. Got on top on me and handcuffed me to the bed.

This was the worst and I fighted him every time he tried. I could feel the side of my face swelling he looked me up and down. Hints of anger and lust were in his eyes. This isn't gonna be good.


I left his place and went to the hospital. I lied and said I got into a fight. They wrapped me up and I went home. I covered up all on my bruises and got ready to go to the club. It would be hard but the medicine they game me was amazing. I would feel pain here and there but I could manage.

"Hey babe." Isaac said hugging me.

I groaned and sighed "Hey."

"You okay you seem kinda tense?"

"I'm good. Ready to get started?"



The girls got ready for their show and went out to the stage. Felicity was gonna be in a lot of pain after so she took her medicine again. Shantel threw up again before they went out. She was starting to think she did have the flu.

Wait your turn by Rihanna

Felicity was singing

Its just

The way the game is played

It's best if you just

Wait your turn

The wait is ova

The wait is ova

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