Ch. 2 Job hunting

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The girls had to get up early and six o'clock is early enough for Jessie. The other girls were already dressed and about to knock on Jessie's door to see of she was ready. The door opened before Shantel even got a chance to knock.

"I'm ready so don't even." Jessie said closing her door.

"Okay to Mickey D's." Shantel says.

The leave in a taxi there cars should be arriving later on today. They took a flight to get there.

Erika; Peach blouse, blue skinny jeans, a gold and white Chanel purse, and some gold sandals.

Shantel; Teal sweater, light blue short shorts, a flower headband, a blue phone case with a bow on it, and see teal heels.

Erika; A black crop top, ocean blue steater, a grey and black skirt with flowers, blue heels, and blue nails.

Jessie; Black halter top, light blue short shorts, a flowery flowy cardigan, black flower earnings, and sunglasses in her hair, and black flats.

Thay walked all around the city in multiple places to try and find jobs it was killing Shantel that they didn't find anything. They all had the realization that they my not be a job for them. Then Jessie spoke up.

"Ahhh!" She creamed looking at her phone.

"What?" Erika asked.

"Batty the owner of the club texted me and said there's spots if you guys want them." She read.

"For what?" Felicity asks.

"You'll see when we get there." Jessie winked at them and left to the club.

When they got there a women with red hair green eyes was at the bar with a smile on her face.

"Hey Betty." Jessie says sitting at one of the tables.

"These are there girls you were talking about?" Betty asks her.


The girls put on there best smiles for her.

"Okay Felicity take out the headphones and do a mix of you impress me I'll give you the job. Jessie go find Duke in the employees room hell show you tour stuff. Shantel and Erika have you ever done waitressing?"

"Yes." They both respond.

"Good your waitresses and dancers."

"Wait I have no rhythm what so ever." Shantel burst and Erika patted her back.

"You know you have a friend who could teach you right." Erika says.

"If I can teach Jessie I can teach you. She used to look like a monkey having a heart attack." Even Betty laughed at that.

"Wow I'm happy she's a bartender." Betty joked and they laughed.

"Felicity's also going to be with you guys but the catch is every Friday night is when you do it. Starting next Friday you will also have one girl sing and you'll have to rotate every week. Is slow down Saturdays one of you have to sing a slow song." Betty informs them.

Felicity took out the headphones that Isaac gave her last light and plugged them into the set. She waited for the other to sit and turned to her. She played Imagine by Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, and David Guetta.

From the beginning of the song Betty knew she was hired she looked like the only thing that mattered was that mix. When she was done all Betty had to say was "Yes."

"Yay!" Felicity was so happy.

Erika and Shantel practically ran up to her. Shantel went to say something but got cut off by her phone ringing. She answered and it was the people from the fashion company yelling her that they were ready for their interview.

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