Chapter 14

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My Daddy helped me pack. Alfred and Arthur ran around trying frantically to help, making no progress. Although, they did make me laugh for the first time in a while.

Everyone came with me to drop me off. It was really nice.

No more that three minutes after, a familiar car drove up, going so fast that they were almost speeding... I think they were speeding! Ugh...

Gilbert rushed over to me, a little yellow bird perched on his head.

"Hey! Sorry! I was going to get here when you got here, but..." He kept on talking but it was all becoming gibberish. I think he just started speaking German!?

I began to laugh again.

"What?" He asked

I fell over, I was laughing so hard!

"Hey! What?" He asked again.

I pointed up to his bird.

"Huh?" Gilbert looked up. "Niyo!" His bird peeped.

"Oh. You came along? Alright. Mattie, this is Gilbird. Gilbird, this is Mattie. "Niyo!" He peeped again.

Gilbert started getting his stuff out of the car. Soon, everyone had arrived.

"Alright! Everyone listen up!" The head teacher said loudly. That was my cue to time out for a bit.

"Ok. Everyone got that?" I came back to Earth. I nodded yes along with the other kids. Gilbert then leaned over.

"Um... What'd they say?" I giggled and then shrugged.

Apparently they were informing us about the surprise two mile hike to our camp site. Ugh.

Gilbert had packed his backpack pretty light, and my duffle bag was actually a bit bulkier. I mean, I did have a bunch of sweaters. Anyways he had his backpack on his back and took my bag from me. I gave him a questioning look. He just smiled at me. Alright.

When we started walking, Gilbert reached for my hand. I blushed a little bit when our fingers intertwined. This made him chuckle a little bit. We walked like that until the teacher announced only 1/2 a mile left.

I looked at Gilbert. He was noticeably tired. I took my bag from him and then took his backpack too. He at first seemed too tired to care, but then he gave me a questioning look. I just smiled back. I, being a country, tend to be stronger than regular humans. Gilbert is a pretty strong human, and I'm a relatively weak country, so I guess he is probably stronger anyways.

For the last 1/8 mile, Gilbert insisted to carry the bags the rest of the way.

Everyone looked pretty worn out when we arrived. I wasn't really tired, but I figured I would be by bed time.

"Alright everyone! It's time to announce tent partners." Another of the teachers said, and we all went over to listen.

First we have,

Allyssa and Allie- tent one

Millie and Parker- tent two

Susan and Joe- tent three

I zoned out again until I heard...

And finally, Matthew and Gilbert- tent ten.

Hey, that's us... Hey! We have a tent together!

"Awesome!" Gilbert exclaimed. We then high fived awesomely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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