Chapter 5

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Gilbert POV

I met this really cute kid in French class. He is actually fluent in French. He has two dads and is most likely gay himself! Zhe awesome me scores again!

My thoughts were broken when the geography teacher, Ms. Smith said "Before starting our next unit, I am going to hand back our tests."

I froze. Oh no... I'm terrible at geography.

She hands me back my test on The Soviet Union. D+.

Hey not an F!

After reviewing, I noticed that I mixed up Stalin and Lennon. Darn it!

"Ok. Our next unit will be on Prussia."

I fell out of my chair. Literally.

The whole class started laughing. It didn't even bother me. You couldn't wipe a silly smile off of my face no matter how hard you punched me!

"Anyways," the teacher glared at me. "Who actually knows what Prussia was?"

The geography nerd in our class raised his hand. He was accompanied with some half raised hands scattered around the room. I raised my hand high and proud.

"Really Gilbert?" Ms. Smith was not amused.

Trust me. Zhe awesome I knows more about zhe awesome Prussia than anyone!

"Who thinks they know more about Prussia than anyone else in the class?"

All of the people with their hand half raised put their hand down.

They nerd, Jeremy raised his hand high.

I raised my hand even higher.

Ms. Smith rolled her eyes at me.

"Well, we are going to have a geography bee on Prussia. Here are the rules. You will write your answers on these white boards." She handed out little hand held white boards and markers. "Keep a tally of how many you got wrong in the corner. If you get five wrong, then you are done."

I've got this no problem! Time to show nerdy who's boss!

"Keep in mind. These are really hard. No one could get these all right on their first try. Even I had to look some up." Ms. Smith said.

Lol. I almost choked. Almost.

"First question. What year was Prussia founded?"

When looking around, everyone had no idea.

Easy! My birthday! 1525

Only one other person from me and nerd boy got it right.

"Did Prussia have their own language or did they speak another language."

Well, it depends... Old Prussian is an extinct (well, not really. I can speak it.) Baltic language, once spoken by the Old Prussians. If you're referring to the large, German country of Prussia, then they spoke mostly spoke German, but they also spoke Low Prussian, developing in east Prussia, which was influenced by Dutch and Low German that some immigrants spoke.

Everyone else had "yes?" or random guesses. Nerd boy had "German".

Ha! I'm right!

"German is the answer." A series of yes's or no's filled the room.

I raised my hand.

"Yes Gilbert."

"Um... Not quite. If you were being specific, then German isn't the answer."

"I am the teacher. You just made that up. Trust me."

Lol. But I am Gilbert Bielschmidt.

"Google it!" I challenged.

"If you made this up, then you are getting a detention!" She went to google it.

I muttered "Keine scheiße" under my breath.

"What did you say, young man!?"

"I said keine Scheiße."

"Oh. Is that more of your made up languages?"

"No. Its German for "No shit"

"Oh..." She continued googling.

Yea... She really doesn't like me...

"Oh... Um... Class. Gilbert b- biel-... Gilbert is correct. No one gets that one wrong or right, but you get an extra credit point, Gilbert." The teacher said embarrassed.

Told ya!

"Anyways, can you tell us something in one of those languages?"

"Ok, um... Schucke means potato in Low Prussian and in Plautdietsch."

A few kids snickered at my word choice.

Some time passed. Nerd boy had four wrong. I had them all right, and corrected the teacher several times.

Everything he else was knocked out. The last two standing were nerd boy and me.

"The thing that will determine our winner will be... Who can draw the Prussian flag better" she handed each of us a 10 color expo marker set.

We only need four of those- red, black, yellow/gold, and blue!

"ok, start!"

This is easier than an American drawing their flag!

I went to town, getting exact with every last detail. Mine was perfect!

I looked over at nerd boy Jeremy. He had a black eagle for the bird that looked nothing like our flag's! I'm insulted!

People started crowding around me. They started taking pictures if the flag and everything.

"Gilbert. You have won, but I would like to see you after class." Oh no... What did I do wrong now...

Class continued until I heard the bell. Our homework was to Map out Prussia from when it started in 1525.

"Class dismissed!"

I went over to Ms. Smith.

"Gilbert. I would like you to tell me how you cheated. How did you know that much! We're you told about this unit?"

"No miss, I am awesomely Prussian myself, and Zhe awesome Prussia knows about his country..."

She gave me a blank stare

"What... Schieße... I- I meant Zhe awesome Prussian knows about his heritage...?" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly... I let one slip.

"Ok... I'm going to have to call your parents about this one."

"Well, actually... I live in my brother's basement because my dad kind of shunned me."

"Ok then, well you need a signed note saying that you are Prussian from your dad anyways. If not, a legal ancestry worker."

"Fine..." I then walked out with a note explaining why I'm late to my next class.

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