Chapter 9

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The next day, I walked into French class like normal, well I probably looked really tired. I couldn't get even a wink of good sleep last night.

I went to sit down, but was stopped. Gilbert grabbed my arm, and I flinched a bit, "Mattie! Vhat happened? I vas so vorried! I looked everywhere for you!"

I just stared at him. "Mattie?" He questioned

I sat down. "Mattie, vhat's wrong? Come on! You can tell me!" He looked worried, but it couldn't be because of me no one really cares about me, not even my own brother!

I just looked away. I was afraid it would slip out. When I looked into those red eyes, I just want to spill out all of my life's problems!

"Ma-" Gilbert was interrupted by the teacher. "Alright class, let's get started."


Towards the end of class, I zoned back in. "Alright, now that we have finished copying the vocabulary, can someone pronounce them again for us? Let's see... Matthew. We haven't heard from you all day!"

I looked up at the teacher. I can't! It might slip...

"Matthew?" she paused, hello? Are you awake!?"

I nodded.


I said nothing.

"We're waiting!" she was getting angry now. "Do you know how to pronounce this?"

I nodded.

"Is this some form of rebellion?"

I shook my head no.

"Have you lost your voice? You shouldn't be at school if you did!"

I shook my head no.


I shook my had no.

"Come up here." She motioned to the front of the room.

I came up dutifully.

She tried again. "Matthew. Pronounce this." She pointed to a word written in French on the white board.

I looked at it, and practiced the pronunciation in my head.

"Matthew, if you don't answer, you are going to have to go to the principle's office!"


That is until, "Hey! He doesn't want to speak! I don't know why, but can't you just let him be!" Gilbert spoke up.

"Mr. Bi- Biel... Gilbert! Don't speak out like that!"

Oh, but he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. "What is this? One moment you want us to speak, the next you want us to shut up! This isn't a fucking Nazi base!"

"To the principle's office, both of you!"

-and that's how we ended up in trouble together again.

Banana Pancakes (In my "World Meeting" series)Where stories live. Discover now