Louis knicked a piece of bacon before strolling into the bathroom to freshen up. When his breath was minty and his face smelled like grapefruit from the facial cleansing wash he loved so much, he made an attempt to fix his dishelved hair. He realized all hope was lost when that selfish alfalfa hair in the back refused to go down, and sighed at his relfection. He was never happy with it, but he tried. Shoving a beanie over his head, Louis went into the kitchen to give Cece her cat food. He placed the bowl on the floor, and even gave her an extra can as a Christmas gift. "Merry Christmas you lazy ball of fluff," Louis said to the cat, scratching her lower back. She growled, not appreciating the extra attention when her's was focused on the food in front her. Louis scoffed at the cat, "Rude."

Harry smiled to himself when he saw Louis bickering with the cat. "What did your family usually do on Christmas?" he asked suddenly. The track skipped and Silver Bells began streaming from the room.

Louis stood up and walked over to the counter, drumming his fingers on its surface as he watched Harry prepare breakfast. "Well, my mum would be in the kitchen, just like you are now, and my granddad and grandmum would already be there, in the living room, watching something on the telly. My dad would come over so we could all watch my sisters open up their presents. After that it was Christmas dinner and stuffing ourselves with biscuits and pastries. The usual stuff, y'know?"

Harry shook his head, "No, I wouldn't."

"Oh, right," Louis frowned, recalling Harry telling him this would be his first proper Christmas. With the looks of things, it seemed they were off to a pretty good start. "Sorry." He truly was.

"'s not your fault," Harry assured him. "What did you do last year?"

"Well if you must know my dear Harold, it consisted of eating a bowl of Cheerios in my pajamas while watching the Christmas specials. After that, I got proper wasted with my dear friend Jack Daniels and passed out. Even got myself a nice, wet, hairy gift from Cece on the carpet," Louis said simply, reaching into the cupboard and pulling out two mugs.

When Louis looked back at the angel, Harry's beautifully symmetrical features were contorted into a look of remorse. Louis groaned, "Harry, don't give me that !" 

"But you were alone on Christmas," Harry frowned in pity. Louis didn't like the frown that selfishly hid Harry's dimples. Not one bit.

"So were you," Louis said, touching the angel's shoulder blade that jutted from underneath his jumper, hoping the gesture would soothe him. "So let's make the best of this one, yeah?" He mustered his best puppy dog expression. It was a bit dusty from all the years he hadn't used it, but damn, it had gotten him out from so many things, to spankings from his mum to detention from his frustrated teachers.

Harry caved in and smiled, "Sure."

Louis returned the grin, eyes crinkling from the sight of dimples that he had learned to love dearly, "Now, no more frowny faces Hazza!" 

Harry smiled widely, baring his teeth and raising his eyebrows comically into his flop of curls. "Is this better?"

"Ok now you just look scary Harry," Louis answered. He filled the kettle with hot water and placed it over the stove. Next, he tried to make himself useful by throwing away strewn eggshells and discarded packages, then piling the cluttery on the counter into the sink. 

Harry jiggled the stove top's dial until the fire shut off and wiped his hands. "By the way, Liam rang earlier and said he'd be coming over in a few."

"What for?" Louis asked, always happy to spend time with the brown eyed uni student. He was much more settled than Zayn and Niall. Louis liked him because, well, he was like the older brother he never had. Louis thinks that if Liam had been in his life when he was younger, to guide with his smarts and wise words, he wouldn't be so fucked up like he is now.

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