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" Come on, Harry you're so God damn slow." Niall said when he saw his best friend sit down on place in the class room. They had just had History and was now ready for lunch. Okay, Niall was, not Harry.

" Yeah just hold on, I have to add some more notes." It was their last year in high school and Harry wanted to gather all information he could.

" You've already written three pages, Haz. What is there more to add?"  Niall sighed and grabbed Harry's bag, something that made Harry jump up. " Okay, I'm coming."

" Hey." His other friend, Liam says and pat Harry's back. " There's no rush. We can wait for you." He ignored the annoyed glance from Niall and they could all hear how his stomach was talking to him.

" Poor Nialler." Harry chuckled when he took back his bag from Niall's grip. " Finally. One more minute and you would have to carry me to the cafeteria." Niall complained when they exixted the class room.

" Stop being so dramatic all the time." Liam complained and rolled his eyes.
" Hey don't pick on each oth-" Suddenly someone bumped into Harry's shoulder quite hard and he almost fell over.

He didn't see who did it though, the person wore a hoodie and walked away fast. " Hey, watch it moron!" Liam yelled through the crowd without recieving any response.

" Forget about it." Harry mumbled when he opened his locker to put his books in there. " You can go to cafeteria, I have to visit the loo first."

" You're sure." Liam said with concerned eyes. He wasn't stupid, he knew what the blokes Stan and Nick used to do to him when no one was watching. Harry was good at hiding the bruises and the marks on his stomach that Stan and Nick caused him.

" I'll be fine, Li. You two can go." Both Liam and Niall glanced over at each other and didn't really know if they should believe him.

" Alright..." Liam finally said and they walked away slowly. Harry hurried to the bathroom and prayed that wether Stan nor Nick would be there and disturb him.

He did his needs and went out to wash his hands when two guys entered the room. " Well, well, well. Look what we have here, Stan." Harry heard Nick chuckle.

" Let's do this fast, Nick." Stan sighed. " I'm hungry."

Harry tried to walk between them but they both pushed him back. " Where are you going, fag?" Nick laughed. " I'm been working on my boxing skills. Thought I could demostrate on you."

Harry pushed Nick back but Stan caught him and slammed him against the wall and punched him in his stomach with his knee several times.

" People like you shouldn't be here in this school. Your kind is not welcomed." Stan hissed and held him down so his face was down at the ground.

" Help!" Harry yelled even though he knew no one could hear him. He regretted letting Liam and Niall go to cafeteria, but deep inside, he refused to have some kind of body guard with him all the time.

He wanted to be strong, but he had lost his way somehow. Stan and Nick ruined his life and they knew it. They grew stronger on his weakness. Unfortunatley.

" Hey, Nick." Stan smirked at him. " If it's dick he likes, then he should get it. Don't you think?"

" No, stop." Harry sobbed now and all he wanted to do was to fall asleep and never wake up again.

" Fuck off you horrible bastards." Harry felt how both Nick and Stan was removed from his body and slammed then hard up against the wall.

He saw Liam and a guy with black hair and golden eyes hold the guys in a steady grip while Niall had the principle and two teachers with him.

" Thank you boys, I think that should do." The principle, Simon said. " Paul and Dan. Please escort Stan and Nicholas to my office."

Liam and Niall helped Harry up and Harry threw a glance at the unkown guy who had helped them.

" Hey, I'm Zayn. Your friends said they needed some help with...this." He motioned his arms towards the other two douche bags who was escorted out.

Harry stretched out his hand for Zayn to take. " Thank you Zayn." Zayn gave him a sympathetic smile. Even if this wasn't under the best circumstances, he was glad he had just got a new friend.

A/N this is my first boyxboy and Larry story, so bear with me. Hope you liked the first chapter.

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