"Nothing," you replied shortly. Your voice held no emotion and that pulled a pang of sympathy to my heart. You didn't let me dwell in my emotions for long because the next thing that I knew, your body was on top of mine pressing me to the blanket, your lips pressing them urgently to mine. Your hands were doing wonderful things, tugging me closer to your body and moving up and down my body in a way that was both desperate and loving. Your intricate touch sent numerous of waves through me, slowly kissing their way from the top to the very bottom of my body making my toes curl in undeniable pleasure.

Your teeth bit my lip softly and a small moan sounded out in the night and neither of was really focused on who emitted the moan because we were both too absorbed in the kiss. Your tongue entered my mouth and traced my teeth as well as the inner side of my lips making me hold you tighter against me and almost press my nails into your skin.

We pulled apart for air but it was clear that you were in no mood for talk since I tried to gather as much oxygen into my lungs and all you did was bury your head into the nape of my neck, kissing my skin moving downwards slowly. When your lips returned to mine, they pressed hard against mine and you kissed hungrily and while you had kissed hungrily before, you'd never kissed me in such a manner. I almost felt violated. So before you could deepen the kiss anymore, I pushed you away breaking the kiss that was both scary and pleasurable.

I stared at you with shock. I tried to mask my emotions - I wasn't even quite sure what they were even - but I simply couldn't. My mouth was ajar, an inquisitive look clear in my blue eyes. I repeated the question I asked you upon arrival. "What's wrong?"

You stared at me for a while, your hazel eyes holding that same unreadable expression. What did that look mean? It was the only expression of yours that I was unable to decipher and that troubled me. "Okay," you said at last, your voice soft and I hadn't heard you sound so fragile before. "Just promise me you'll listen first."

I was hesitant and you knew that. What did that mean? Would I be displeased by the end of this conversation? Ignoring the quite troublesome questions in my mind, I nodded numbly. "Okay," I said and I shifted closer to you because I knew this time you wouldn't try and pull out any card on me, you'd keep to yourself until you were sure I was comfortable.

"I want to travel the world," you said and the way you said it made it sound like such a horrible thing - well, for me. "I want to see all the places out there. I want to experience different things that I haven't been exposed to which I reckon is a lot. I want to witness other cultures and know everything there is to know. I was to learn something out of everything. I want to see what other gems are out there in the world."

"That would be nice. I can almost picture myself travelling around the world with you," I smiled, my eyes crinkling as I looked at the stars in a slight daze. Then I returned my gaze back to you, confused now. "Arlando, you can't afford to travel the world so how on earth...?"

I didn't end my question. I already knew the answer and my face fell, my heart started to hit my ribcage and I felt the slightest bit of pain go through my body. But I didn't let my hope go away, I held strong onto it. I was a strong believer of hope and it was instances like this that my strength was much needed.

"Remember the money I saved when I took a part time job in high school because I didn't think I'd have much of a chance getting into university?" you asked, your eyes holding that hopeful, happy, faraway look you had when you talked about the future the other night, almost a year ago. I nodded numbly trying my best to keep my composure and my lips from trembling. "Well, I was recounting it the other day when I was telling Landon of what I wanted in my future and he said that he could help pay for the trip around the world since he wanted to come along as well. I couldn't do that. I don't like being in debt. But the money I collected wasn't enough so I said I'll use the money I collected plus some money that I'll borrow from Land."

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