CH 14: Vixen

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Springy's POV
I was walking back gripping my chest when I realized oil dripping out of my mouth. I felt woozy. That punch really was effective...

*Some Time Later

I woke up in the green room on the couch. There was bandages on my chest. I must have blacked out. I noticed somebody in the corner.

"Hello?" I said.

"Your ok?" a familiar voice replied.

"Vixen, you helped me?"

"Yes, it was the least I could do after you fixed me."

"Thanks." I said trying to sit up. It hurt so much that I fell back down.

"You should stay here." she said.

"But I-I" I said, but was interupted when Vixen grabbed my hand.

"Stay at least until the owners can fix you." she said.

She let go of my hand when I said "Fine."

She starred at my heart and watched it beat.

"That heart is only made of gears." I said.

"So you don't have a soul?" she said.

"Nope, I guess I'm souless." I joked.

She laughed. That was a dumb joke too."You're funny." She said.

She has a nice personality.

"Vixen?" a voice said. "You won't believe what Springy sung today!" Bon said walking in.

She suddenly got a shocked look on her face when she saw me and the bandages on my chest with the oil dripping out of my mouth. She ran to me and next to Vixen.

"Wha-What happened?" she asked concerned and worried.

"Fredrick happened."

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