Chapter Thirty

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"Don't let the world bring you down with it."

I've finally let out all that anger, fear and pain that all these people, that have entered and left from my life, have caused. I'm not ashamed or scared anymore, because right when I told my Mum, from Liam harassing and his try of rape towards me, to the whole situation with Austin and Killian, she's given me some amazing advice, that has really opened my mind to more conclusions and ways to escape from this summer. It did pain me, the part where she told me that I should leave both boys behind, and focus more on my school life, and you know, things mother usually say. But thing is, this is the first time we've bonded. I would always shut her off, and she would always be at work. I guess I was too embarrassed and scared to tell her about what's been going on, and my problems. I didn't want to weigh more on her, especially when my parents found out about my cutting, I knew that adding more in her head would just break her. Little did I know, I was the one breaking more every day just because I wouldn't let my emotions out.

A few minutes before my mum left and went straight to her room to pack, she gave me a peck on the forehead and advised me to always talk to her about my problems, and mainly my life. After the tears dried, and I was able to gain my balance back, I walked towards my closet and packed everything up, hoping that life will get better... somehow when I get back. I choose to avoid Austin and thank Emily for her kind manners and that she let us stay with her. I avoid little Jason, since that little kid never even liked me from Day 1, and I text my friends that I'm going back to Miami. Me and my Mum get on the road, for a 2 hour trip and I hope this school year will be better than the previous ones. We're seniors now, after all!


"Alright, Amelia we're here!" My mother shakes my shoulder and she breaks my music bubble. I take my earphones off and I look around the view from the car, while my earphone are blasting "Some Say" by Sum 41. My house looks just like we left it. The classic American doorstep, and the beautiful front yard, with the red and pink roses and tulips my Mum's obsessed with. It has two floors and a balcony on the second floor right in the middle of the house. It has a creamy color wall, and the roof is a dark, grey that suits the house, emphasizing the flowers in the yard. I open my phone, to close my music, and that's when I realize I have 3 messages. I battle whether I should open or see from who it is, but I finally find the courage. I shouldn't shut myself out anymore. There's one message from Jenna saying they will be arriving tonight, since the first day of school is tomorrow. One message is from Killian, that brings an unnoticed smile to my face as I read, Be careful on the road... hope to see you soon gorgeous. Good luck on this school year. I try to keep the smile away from my lips, but I can't help a low laugh come out. And then, that smile is replaced with a deep frown. My heart bruises with ache when J see who the other message is from. I read it, while my Mother takes our bags inside.

Amelia, I know that you won't even try to read this message, and you've probably even deleted me from your contacts, but I want you to know that Blair means nothing anymore. As soon as I saw you, everything changed and I started to realize that I felt for Blair wasn't real. But I was too much of a pussy to admit to myself that that was true and that's the only reason why I was acting like you didn't matter at all. Everything that happened between us - I don't regret a second, and I can't get you of my mind. I broke up with Blair, for you, and you still avoided me. I know that I hurt you, but I got furious when I found out that you were hanging out with another guy while I was feeling like shit... I'm sorry that I punched the guy, I guess you drive me crazy. I really want to see you again, and even though we are 2 hours away, I won't stop trying to make you love me again... At least if you were. I just know that I did, and I still do. Please, if you read this, don't hesitate to answer or call me, this would be better if we talked from at least a phone call...

I stop reading from there. I wasn't going to call or text him back, but I knew that if I read more, I would cry. The tears would just blurt out. At least he knows that he ruined my summer, and that he hurt me a lot. Thankfully, I'm not going to see him anytime soon. I need to focus on my life, and not on some guy that only thing that does is hurt me...

I suddenly realize that my mother hasn't called me to come inside, and I start to get curious. I close the passenger door after I walk out, and approach the wooden front door. I take a few breaths before I take a step inside this home full of memories and close my eyes, wishing and hoping that this year will be better...

"Amelia..." I hear my Mum's voice in a whisper, but she's close by. I open my eyes, and search the living room. I find my mum sitting on the couch, and two figures standing next to her.

My heart is beating in a rapid speed, and my eyes widen.

"Oh god." I breathe in confusion and surprise. My eyes blur as I see two people that have left me a few months ago, and that I've been missing and wanting to see for long...

"Dad... Natalie."




Now I don't know WHEN I will begin writing the sequel. But I'm starting to have ideas of the Title, you guys will decide:

1) Winter Lover

2) Winter Memories

3) Winter Stranger

3) Any other ideas? (I'm looking for something that matches Summer Stranger...)






I need these votes you guys! And if we get to 500 votes, I will start writing the sequel!


Comment anything you want. Are you happy with the end? Are you sad?

Upset? Confused in ANY way at all? PLEASE TELL ME.

Toodles :*

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