Chapter Nine

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"Love makes you do crazy things, insane things. Things in a million years you'd never see yourself do. But there you are doing them... can't help it."


Without a second thought, I step inside the living room. Red cups with alcohol are everywhere, and the floor is slippery from all the drinks and water people have dragged out of the pool. I look around, and to my surprise, there's no one in here. Everyone seems to be outside, or up in the bedrooms.

Bedroom? Oh god.

Impulsively, I run upstairs towards the big hallway, when I notice Jenna's bedroom door close and I'm left with the dim light of the ceiling lights as the only source of light. I can hear my heart thumping, desperate to jump out of my chest.

What am I doing? I'm in my swimsuit running up the stairs to my best friend trying to hook up with a hot guy she likes, and I'm here getting ready to ruin that for her?

Foolishly, I don't let my consiousness put some logic in me, and before I know it, I'm bursting into Jenna's room. My cautious eyes search the room, and spot two figures on the bed. My heart is now drumming so loud that my ears aren't able to focus on what the two figures are saying.

I let out a deep sigh when I realize the two figures are strangers to me, and I'm planning for them to stay that way. Their eyes widen and curse at me for bulging in. I gulp and hush a low apology and exit the room. But where are they?

As I'm ready to give up and curse at myself too for being an idiot, I recognize the low voice heard behind me,

"Amelia?" My eyes widen at his voice and I quickly spin on my heels and act like I haven't just been looking for him. Still mad at him, I cross my arms over my chest, both with the purpose to seem angry and hide a bit of the too much skin showing with the swimsuit on.

"Uh, hey." I mutter and refuse to lock eyes with him and try to look away. I manage to take a look of him, which for some reason I haven't managed the whole night.

He is wearing that tight, black shirt and the same black jeans he was wearing before. He is now wearing a small lip ring that I hadn't noticed he had which makes him look extremely gorgeous, and my eyes automatically are lured to meet his. The world feels like it's blurring away, drained of all color but him, standing below the dim light. It was like my life and senses were only focused on him. I could hear the music getting muffler and muffler as my eyes search his.

He rubs the back of his neck with his arm, a sign he uses a lot and I've realized what it means: He is trying to say something.

"Are - Are you still mad?" He finally says and a weird feeling in my stomach makes me feel nauseous again. His brown eyes now dilate and it seems like he has the same feeling as me. But what the fuck is this feeling? His blonde hair is falling over his eyes and this time he hasn't added any gel on it, making him seem fresh and clean. And hot. Wait, what?

I clear my throat and shake my head in need of removing these damn thoughts and I ignore his question.

"Where's Jenna?" I remove my gaze from his eyes and search for Jenna instead. I need to get out of here. The air seems to be thicker but somehow more warm and safe. His eyes on me make me feel like I'm going to faint and his fruity, husky voice is just so luring that I can listen to it all day. This is exactly why I should get away from him!

Before I can take a step away from him, Jenna appears beside him and she giggles as she locks her arm with his in a childish way. I scowl to the way she looks at him and he drifts his arm away from hers while moving a few steps closer to me, a few away from Jenna, leaving her surprised, and wide-eyed in her place. For some reason, my heart skips a beat from elation when he rejects her. But another part of me is curious and surprised at the mean thought of how I'm happy that my best friend just got rejected.

"Oh, hey Amelia." She shifts her eyes towards me and then him and gives me a suspicious, disgusting look. Is she jealous? But nothing's even going on between us and she knows it...

"Anyway, Austin, me and the girls are having a sleepover, how about you and your guy friends stay too?" She ignores Austin's previous action and swallows the hurt. My eyes shift towards his eyes, searching for any emotion, and I finally spot something. He looks deep in thought.

He looks at Jenna, standing there, waiting for his response. Please, no, say no!

"Sure why not?" He gives her a small smile, and Jenna is now giggling and jumping up and down. I feel his eyes burning onto me, but I refuse to look at him. What the hell is thinking? He just somehow, rejected her, and now he accepts her invitation to stay here? She's obviously interested in him, and he goes along with it? Is he planning to do whatever with her and then hurt her?

I look down at the floor and my eyes widen in disbelief and anger. I make my way down the stairs, quickly before he catches me. I still haven't answered his question... I hope he stays away from me all night.

"I'll get everything ready in my room, for it!" I hear Jenna say from afar and her annoying heels walking along in her room, shooing away that annoying couple that cursed at me earlier. I don't hear any movement from Austin, so I guess that's a good sign that he's not following me.

With that thought in mind, I reach the coat hanger in the living room and grab my black dress and a pair of Jenna's white, flipflops from inside the small, modern black wardrobe next to the hanger. As I put on my clothes, I thank god I shaved this morning, and had a pedicure in the city, before I came.
This is going to be a long night.

When the party was finally over and Jenna kicked everyone out, we all went up to Jenna's gigantic room. Caroline disappeared somewhere with a few girls she met, and Skyler disappeared in one of the rooms in this mansion, with that handsome guy. That's weird... Skyler doesn't trust a guy that easily. I guess he must be special. So I guess it's just Jenna, me, Austin and two of his stupid friends. As I open the door of the room we'll be sharing tonight, Austin is lying on his back on one of the two, beige couches and his two friends are on the bed lazily gossiping about who they managed to kiss today.

"Dude, I was drunk, stop judging me." Says the one with the blonde hair, and green eyes. He looks a few years younger than me, about 2, which is weird as Austin is a year older than me. The other one, is brunette, the depths of that deep chestnut, brown reflects his radiant smile. He's more handsome than the other one. He chuckles again, making fun of his friend, as the other one has a frown drawn all over his muscular face.

"Even when drunk I wouldn't kiss her." His head falls back from laughter and when they both spot me they pause looking at me for a minute. My cheeks flush when Austin looks at me in my black crop top, my flat stomach out for their view, tight leggings wrapping around my legs and normal sized ass, and a big jacket over my body so I'm not too revealing. I'm sorry that I wasn't planning for three guys to be sleeping in the same room with me. Maybe this is a bad idea. Maybe I should sleep in another room, there are many in this house anyway.


"Fate brings you together, but its still up to you to make it happen. We may meet someone by chance, but keeping that someone is still a choice."

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