Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life."

What am I doing? Was the first thing that I thought when I got out of the car and approached the modern building. The apartment seemed to have enormous windows, and just 2 floors. It's full grey with a pinch of black, which is the front door. There is a large parking lot, outside where I parked my Mum's BMW, and carefully, yet rashingly, I walk towards the wide building. It seems to have a plain, flat roof and the windows are big enough to see inside the apartments, but all the residents seem to be covering and blindfolding their live's privacy behind another yet, grey curtain.

What am I doing? I ask myself again, but I don't stop. I keep walking, reaching Killian's apartment. I'm in need to see if he's alright, and I need to give him a huge apology.

"Hello, ma'am." Says the doorman, and opens the door for me kindly. They have a doorman?!

I just give him a light nod and I smile, and walk in, in anticipation. The building is definitely how I imagined it, depending on its outer appearance. It has a huge lobby, with a huge, silver chandelier falling structurally, on the center of the ceiling. On the left side is a front desk that doesn't seem to be occupied by anyone, and on the right are two, comfy couches. Straight ahead is the elevator door, where I approach quickly, my sneakers squeaking on the silver, concrete floor.

As the elevator, elevates me up on the 2nd floor, I take a deep breath and search the number of Killian's apartment. #248...#248...There it is.

The door is wooden and has a vintage sense to it. This door is different than the rest, and mainly the whole building. I'm guessing Killian and his roommate have a different sense in style than the rest living in this beautiful, modern apartment.

I clear my throat, and gently press the doorbell. I hear light footsteps coming my way behind the door and as soon I'm ready to press the doorbell again, the door flings open and a tall, handsome, young man is left before me with a huge grin on his face.

"And how may I help such a young, beautiful lady like yourself?" The boy compliments with his sharp british accent, and an even wider grin, his white teeth shinning over the dim lighting outside the hallway. He's leaning on the door, analysing me up and down, when I finally say,

"I'm here to see Killian... is he here?" I ask, and fiddle with my hair like I always do when I'm stressed.

"And who's asking for him, may I ask?" The boy asks, and when I'm ready to answer, a recognizable voice that I've missed, yet I've heard only a few times is heard behind his roommate.

"Amelia. What are you doing here?" That's when the boy steps away, and I see Killian sitting on a stool next to his brown kitchen counter, a band-aid on the corner of his left eye, one on his forehead, and one on his neck. They don't seem to be bloody, which thankfully assures me that the bleeding has whether stopped or just wasn't too deep of a cut.

"Uh - I, Austin told me... what he did. I came to check up on you. Make sure that you're alright." I fiddle nervously and embarrassingly with my hair, and his roommate gestures for me to come in, with his hand showing inside. Killian stands up, and his tallness overtakes my shortness. He looks even hotter with the bandaids, and his lip seems to have a cut, that I feel like kissing and heal it with my touch...

"I'm sure you already knew what he would've done to me." He snaps, and his eyes seem to be distant.

"What? No, I didn't know, how could you say that?" I ask him confused. His eyebrows furrow together and he seems to be irritated.

"Amelia cut the bullshit. Next time, tell us you have a boyfriend so we don't get in trouble with them ourselves." He refuses to meet my gaze. What? I don't have a boyf... Shit!

"Okay, I'm guessing Austin told you all that crap? He's definitely not my boyfriend, and I obviously don't have one." He finally looks at me, and the roommate whistles awkwardly.

"I'm... going to let you guys have some privacy. I'm Andrew, by the way, nice meeting you." He says, and gives me a slight smile before he opens a door on the left and leaves us alone.

"So that bastard lied? Why would you tell him to come and take you home then?" He asks, even more confused now. He crossed his arms around his chest, reflecting his muscles and tattoos even more. I can see one more clearly on his right arm. It's a skull, and it has something in chinese written on it.

"I live with his family, with my Mum for now. He was my only other choice to take me home." I answer and he nods, since he knows this stuff already.

"Why didn't you tell me, to take you home, in the first place?" He pressures on,

"I didn't want to put you in any more trouble. And anyway, we just met, we hardly know each other." I answer, and unknowingly make a circle walking around, shyly.

"Is it weird, that I feel like I know you for a long time?" He says, and my eyes meet with his. He's so gorgeous, and I have to get out of here. He's being romantic and cute, and UGH!

"I mean, when we went inside the forest under the stars. I did get to know you. It feels like I know you forever." He says, and takes a step towards me. I'm stuck on my spot staring at him, analysing what he's saying.

"Yeah, I agree we just met. But I feel like I do know you... I don't know, it's weird." He says, and looks away, thinking he's stupid.

"No, you're right Killian. And, I'm so sorry about Austin. He means nothing to me, and he is nothing to me." I explain. His frown turns into a smile and my stomach flutters.
I examine his cuts and let out a deep sigh.
"It's all my fault." I admit and he shakes his head, when he realizes I was talking about the fight.
"Nah, he's just a dick, you did nothing wrong. He punched me and caught me off guard but I kicked his ass in the end." He chuckled and when he sees my sad mood doesn't change, he approaches me even more, our bodies only a few inches away from touching.
"I'm alright, I promise." He assures me and I find the courage to gently touch his cut on his lip. He flinches a bit because of the pain but he lets me. I catch his chest rising and falling faster than normal and my gaze shifts to his that seems to be examining me. I immediately realize what I'm doing and let my hand fall next to me, away from his cut lip but his hand catches it halfway. He intertwines our fingers and he looks at my lips and his eyes dilate. His chest starts calming down from his fast heartbeat and breathing and his handsome face and perfect lips start coming closer.

"I - I better go back. I'm, leaving tomorrow at noon." I say quickly and try to calm my own heartbeat and breathing. I let go of his hand and look away. I move away from his body that I didn't even realize was touching mine and grab my bag I left in the entrance.
I can't let this happen again... I can't trust someone again this much, giving them my key to happiness and at the same time depression. And anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow and I might never see him again... He's a college student after all.
"Right, you're leaving." He finally says and he seems sad from me rejecting his move. I could have when a jackass wasn't still tearing up my mind. I could've kissed him. But I'm not ready, maybe not for a long time. But he's right, I just met him and he's already making my adrenaline rush like crazy...
"We can try not to lose contact?" I say in hopes he agrees.
"Yeah, I'll even try and come around Miami. Uni is up close and my dad lives there, so we can meet a few times here and there." He continues the offer and a sudden glow lights up inside of me.
"I'd like that." I smile and he chuckles,
"Me too." He says and we stay there for a while, happy with each others company.
"Anyway, I better get going." I say, breaking our little world and he nods,
"Yeah. I'll see you... um, soon, then?" He says and scratches the back of his neck and hair flipping his black, short hair to the side.
"I'll see you soon, then." I accept and finally open the door, smiling and him returning the smile, before I close the door and approach the elevator, missing him already. Fuck, not again!

What are you feeling?
Please let me know, so I know I'm leaving an emotional impact on you :)
Love you all! Lets get to 5K!
Toodles my loves :*

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