Chapter Twenty Four

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"Let me make you my reason to breathe..."

"Who was he?"Austin says harshly with a low tone while refusing to look at me. He drives off in a high speed and I hold my seat involuntarily from fear.

"None of your business," I respond almost hesitantly. He's driving too fast and his clenched jaw assures me how mad he is. Why is he the mad one?

"Just tell me!" He shouts exasperatingly but also with a hint of desperation, and I snap my eyes towards him. He is now looking at me, his hair is muffled like he hasn't showered for days and I can see a little facial hair growing on his jaw and chin. Why hasn't he been taking care of himself lately?

His knuckles seem to be jammed, and a little bit red, and his clothes just don't fit his style, or address him as they usually do.

"What happened to you?" I say in a low whisper, and he realizes that I'm analyzing his appearance.

"You happened, Amelia." He says, calmer than before.

He puts his hand on the gear stick, and holds it tightly as if he's releasing all his anger onto it.

I look at him, searching him even more and I finally find the courage to put my arm over his. He flinches a bit, but he doesn't remove his hand. I see this as a sign to try and calm him down even more, and my thumb slowly strokes his soft skin. He lets out a low sigh and fixes his eyes on the road.

"Tell me what happened..." I try to say, but my voice croaks and tears pierce my eyes.

"Where were you? You left, and I broke up with Blair. I broke up with my 3 year girlfriend for you, and you just disappeared. Not only that, my fucking father appears out of nowhere in front of my house, after we've finally healed, and he apologizes. Fucking apologizes!" He says, and let's out a mocking laugh.

"What did you do?" I press on calmly. My thumb starts making small circles around his hand, and then his hand slowly flips. His palm catches mine and locks them together, making my heart skip a beat in the fast change of things. A second ago he was shouting at me, and now he's holding my hand ever so lovingly.

"I punched him. Punched the shit out of him, until I felt like he at least felt a pinch of the pain we felt when he left." He says it so simply, like it didn't even hurt him to punch his own father.

"And what happened after that?" I still ask calmly, trying to get as much as I can out of him. I avoid the house for one day, and this is what I miss? I should've been there for him! Instead I was wandering around a club and the forest with a gorgeous guy that I don't even know.

"He left. Thankfully, my mother didn't see him or else she would've burst like a balloon. She has been hiding her devastation and grief since he left and I'm sure she would've let it all out." He says, and his driving speed finally turns to normal.

We pause there for a second. I can hear his unsteady breath, finally turn low as my thumb keeps stroking his skin from our locked hands.

"I'm sorry." He finally breaks the silence, and as I'm ready to say something, he keeps on going,

"I'm sorry for not telling you about Blair. I was just... so confused. No one has ever made me feel like you do, and I really didn't know what it meant." He says, and he finally turns to look at me, as the car stops to a parking in the middle of nowhere. He now fully turns to look at me intensely,

"But as soon as I saw you with him, I knew what it was. Who was he?" He asks, without telling me what that feeling is...

"Look Austin, we're not together, you had a girlfriend two days ago. I met Killian at the club, and we're just friends, I really can't stand you getting this jealous over something so innocent... If you're going to be getting this angry, I really won't be able to handle it." I admit to him, and at the mention that we're not together, makes his eyes lower.

"Is he interested in you?" He asks, wanting to know even more with his jealousy taking over.

"Even if he is, it's none of your business. You hurt me Austin... I can't just come back to your arms after you hid this big secret from me." He slams his hands on the steering wheel and explodes again, making me flinch,

"There it is again, acting like you're perfect! I was confused Amelia, and I was going to tell you sooner or later! Just like you and Jenna's ex boyfriend when he forced himself on you. Maybe you didn't even try to stop him, when Jenna caught you two in the bathroom!" With every word he said, another tear fought through and out of my sensitive eyes.

"I. Hate. You." I said simply, and more salty tears touched my pale cheeks. His eyes slowly dilate, and that's when he realized what he said.

"Oh god, Amelia I didn't mean that..." But before he could say another word from that filthy mouth I used to want to kiss, I open the car door, and throw my heels in the middle of the road. I show him my middle finger intensely, and start running in the middle of nowhere, in the darkness, not even caring if I get lost. I just wanted to get away from him. The guy that I could have loved with all my heart. The guy that has let me down once more. The guy that I truly despise and never want to see again.


Hey everyone! I know this is a short chapter, but this contains a lot of Austin (which you guys have probably missed).

Don't hate him or her. Austin is just full of anger when he saw his Dad, and Amelia is very sensitive.

What did you guys think of this chapter? If it's too short tell me! Please don't be a silent reader1 Comment and Vote PLEASE <3









Write for you guys VERY soon, Toodles :*



Who do you guys prefer up to now? Killian or Austin? What do think of them?

Toodles my noodles :* (that rhymed so I decided to say it xD)

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