What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 30

Start from the beginning

“Really?!” The Brits cry out to the Tri-C who nod.

“Don’t interrupt me, I wasn’t done. The Shires were dating the Lores again because they heard of the Suohs, got jealous, left the Chiyo sisters, and got the Lore girls back, but then started making the Chiyo sisters jealous, since the Shires still liked them, but they were still possessive of the Lore girls. You kids are messed up.” Snivelgrove finishes.

“So everyone was dating the person they didn’t like to get the person they did like jealous? YOU ALL ARE MESSED UP!!!” Naruto shouts.

…………A very long awkward pause of silence (Snivelgrove has driven off)……………

“HOW COULD WE ALL BE THAT STUPID?!?!?!?!” the twelve somewhat-dating people shout.

Sasuke corrects, “Technically, you were smart since your tactics worked…”

“You used us!” Matsuri accuses Rick, who responds back, “You used us!”

“Yeah, but how could anyone not like the Suohs! They’re ninjas!” Matsuri defends, slapping Rick’s head, though wincing because one of her fingers is broken.

“……That’s a lie…” Nick accuses.

“Yeah, we used you,” Gaara tells the Tri-C, “We never loved you, never felt anything but hate and disgust; we almost died from the ill feelings. We couldn’t care less if you three died…” Deidara and Kiba nod vigorously.

“You’re so mean!” The Tri-C launch themselves at the Shires, who hug then comfortingly.

“Don’t be sad, our new loves!” They comfort.

“Hey! You guys move on too fast!” The Lores respond to the scene indignantly.

“We don’t care what you think now, you’re no longer our loves. We’re moving back to England immediately and we’re taking our loves with us!” Nick replies.

“YES! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!” Gaara, Kiba, and Deidara yell victoriously.

The Brits take the hands of the Tri-C and they all wave off, “Well, ta-ta for now!” Then they’re out the door, not to come back. Good riddance…

Then again, this just leave these six standing here, along with the rest of us, and it’s all…awkward… though I’m not exactly sure why….

“You've got frosting on your ugly face, Kiba,” Alyson snickers, pointing to Kiba’s face, which blushes a little. Then Alyson glares. “You guys…ate…my….mupcakes….”

“Uhhh….” Gaara, Deidara, and Kiba glance at each other as Alyson takes a step forward. “No one…touches…my…mupcakes….”

“Oh Kami,” I mutter.

“You guys really are idiots,” Matsuri snickers at they take a step back from Alyson.

Gaara defends, “She had steak and pocky in her mupcakes!”

“What?!” Matsuri and Tsukii turn to Alyson, who shrugs. “My mupcakes are unique… AW!!! Who’s this pretty girl?” Alyson squeals as she notices Akamaru’s new friend, and Matsuri laughs, “Ha! I knew it! That’s the old hag who lives down the street’s dog. I knew Miu liked us enough to live with us! Take that Mrs. Mura!!!”

“Awwwwwwww! Akamaru and Miu, together forever!” Alyson coos as she makes a heart with her hands to the two dogs, who are happily wagging their tails. Then her expression goes into something like she’s recalling something.  “Oh, oh, oh….I’m remembering something… something big… something that I wrote down in my room!” Then she dashes to the stairs.

“So who let in Miu?” Matsuri turns to us, and everyone shrugs.

“Akamaru?” Naruto suggests, and Matsuri rolls her eyes.

“Akamaru doesn’t have opposable thumbs, troublesome. How could he open the troublesome door open?” Tsukii points out.

Then we hear a high pitched scream that could only be Alyson’s. She came practically tumbling down the stairs, eyes panicked, breathing heavily, and breathing, “Ohmykami, ohmykami, ohmykami, ohmykami….”

Matsuri goes up and slaps her across the face. “Use your words, Aly Chan!”

“Ow,” Alyson mumbles, rubbing her cheek, then smiles uneasily. “Okay…um… you’ll laugh at this, okay? You how our parents visit every other month?”

“Yesh,” Tsukii and Matsuri reply. “And?”

“Well, uh,” Alyson continues, “And, um, you know how I have bad memory, right?”

“Yesh… where’s this going?”

“Well, here’s the thing my sisters… and laugh when I say this, alright? Okay… Mom and dad are-“

The house’s doorbell rang, and the Lore girl pale and tense instantly. This can’t be good…

Alyson finishes quietly, “Here……”

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