Chapter 16- Gone!

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine Harry" she said glancing at him for just a split second.

Before he could say anything else, "Do you want us to stay with you?" asked Eleonor in behalf of herself and Danielle.

"Absolutely not" Jenna answered, Danielle was about to say something but she stopped her, "You girls don't get to see your boys much and you should spend your free remaining time with them not with me, don't worry go, I'll see you all in a few hours anyway, 'kay" she said , she faked a smile at them to reassure them, everyone knew she was hiding something but they all nodded anyway and smiled back even though they weren't totally convinced.

Then Paul came inside and told them that people were starting to recognize them and there was no time for a mob, it was already very late.


Tim met with her at McDonalds a few minutes after the lads left and she told him about her plans.

"But are you sure?" he asked as he took her hand in his.

Jenna nodded.

He knew there was nothing he could do, after all he didn't know her that well and even though he was pretty sure she would've been perfect for him and he could've made her happy, he knew nothing could happen anymore.

"You know that I'll be here for you if you need me right?" he said.

"I know" she nodded sincerely, he was just that kind of guy that meant it when he said he was your friend, "And thank you for everything" she continued as she squeezed his hand tight.

He wasn't very happy with her plans but he also knew she needed to do it.


Jenna spent the rest of the day on the phone and arranging stuff for the next few weeks, her friends from back home and her parents helped her too, she couldn't have done anything without them.

Then at a point Jenna called Carl to pick her up and then when the boys went back to the bus to rest before the show they found her already there like she said she would be.

"Hey Jen" said Niall as he entered the bus whiping away sweat from his forehead, "Why didn't you come inside to see us rehearse?" he continued as he hugged her, he was happy to see her there, to be honest they all thought she wouldn't be there and would be on her way back home by the time they came back to the bus.

"I didn't want to get in trouble with big guy near the entrance" she lied.

'Well you had your own big guy" he said, referring to Carl, who was outside greeting the boys.

"I was really tired too, I have been walking around all day" she invented again, Niall decided to let it go, he didn't want to bother her, instead he just smiled at her, "And anyway you're here now, I hven't been here that long either" she continued.

It was already four in the afternoon and they couldn't waste much time, they had to get ready for the concert and even though the bus was hidden for now they could hear people already crowding, ready for the show.

As they had a few snacks things were awkward, Liam tried to keep the conversation going all the time but it was kind of useless, the tension between Harry and Jenna  was palpable.

Then as the bus drove into sight they could hear immediate screaming.

"Listen Jenna" said Harry as he stopped her before he had to get out of the bus.

Jenna just  looked back at him with no expression on her face whatsoever, "I'm sorry if I ever took you for granted, I know now" he said slowly and carefully.

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