'Alright, fine. Be stubborn.' It said. Had he given up? No, there was one more text. 'Fine. I'll just ask someone else.' I narrowed my eyes at the last text. What? Who else...? I bit the inside of my cheek before I sighed.

'Sorry?' I sent it.

"See you tomorrow." Kristy hugged me as the taxi stopped in front of my house.

I agreed and climbed out but I froze spotting Lyle's black BMW in the driveway. No... Why was he there?!

I slowly walked into our house and froze when I heard laughing... It was my mother, Gerald and... Lyle.

I continued to the living room and as I reached the door, Lyle spotted me and immediately got up to give me a hug.

"There you are! Hannah, where have you been? Oh right, I forgot you had work. I..." His words drowned out of my ears as I looked at my mother and she smiled at me. She was sober... So was Gerald.

I felt my blood run cold as we continued to stare at each other. Her smile at me was anything but genuine, even though it appeared that way. I knew better than that.

"So, you guys are familiar, how again?" Gerald asked giving me a smile before looking back at Lyle who currently had his arm around my shoulders.

I looked down listening as my brother explained what he probably already had about how we ran into each other te first day he started teaching at the school. I could feel eyes and pretentious smiles burning into me.

"Uhm... I-I'll go... change." I said when Lyle finished.

"You go do that and come right back, alright, honey?" She had never sounded so nice to me...

I nodded at my mother and left.

I practically ran to my room before tossing my bag on my bed. I looked at my hands and clenched them trying to keep them from shaking. What was he doing at the house? He said not to tell them. Why would he tell them after he said not to? I tried to keep breathing as I leaned against my wall, my legs suddenly feeling weak beneath me.

She was upset. She was going to be so angry. I had kept it a, him a secret, I didn't tell her. She was going to kill me...

"Hannah! What are you doing in there?" Gerald's voice had never sounded happy while speaking to me, I knew it wasn't, it was a show for Lyle.

"J-just fixing some stuff," I called back trying to sound like I wasn't suffocating as I took work blazer off and replaced it with my hoodie.

"You have the rest of the weekend to do that, come here." I heard my mom.

I let out a shaky breath and ran to the bathroom. I ran my hands through my hair as I looked in the mirror at the terrified face staring back at me. They can't be this calm... I ran my eyes over every inch of my face. The makeup still covered it well. I let out a shaky sigh. They're going to be angrier if I don't go back.

I sighed and walked back to the living room. Once inside, I noticed that there was some cake and tea on the table. I looked at Lyle, he looked so happy. I sat down beside him despite it being a small couch which meant me basically sitting on the armrest. There were two other open seats but I wanted to sit next to him, I felt a little safer close to him.

He chuckled and shifted closer to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder as he spoke to our mother and Gerald. They looked happy, especially my mother, she looked genuinely happy looking at Lyle, but every few seconds she would glance at me and I felt a little weaker each time she looked at me; the paralysing fear I had continued to grow. I listened to the rain outside wishing I was a drop of water that could be absorbed by the earth or the wooden floor my boots were currently resting on.

After two or so hours, it was around seven-thirty and Lyle's phone began to ring.

"Babe?" He spoke, "I'm fine, I'm sorry, I'm at Hannah's... I uh... I met my birth mother and her fiancé." He sent our mother a smile. Fiancé? "No, she's amazing - they're, they're really nice... Yeah, I'll ask them... I'll see you in a few... I love you more, Hon." He smiled before he hung up.

"You have to go?" Mom pouted as everyone stood up. I followed their movement slowly.

"Yes, but Nat said to ask if you can come over for dinner tomorrow night," Lyle said.

"Sure, we'd love to." Mom said.

"Hannah knows where it is. Around six." Lyle hugged her before hugging Gerald.

"We'll be there." Gerald smiled.

Lyle turned to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" He smiled down at me. I nodded. "Love you." He smiled.

"Love you too," I whispered.

I stood in the living room as it suddenly became deafeningly quiet in the room while I listened them escort him to the door, and after it shut the house fell silent, save for their footsteps. Despite the loud rain, I heard his car start and I heard it drive off as my mom and Gerald walked back into the living room, their smiles gone.


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