The Tournament

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Kim’s POV

I woke up around 9 am and Jack was gone, I went to the beach to see if he was there. I arrived to a beautiful pink-ish blue sky, a deep dark blue ocean, and white exotic sand. Birds were chirping and singing as the silent waves crashed against the sandy beach. I dipped my perfectly painted toes into the water, the cool water felt great after a long sleep. The sun was shining and the air was warm to the touch. I walked back inside and found two notes on the table, one from Mrs. Brewer and one from Jack.

‘Dear kids, I’m out of town remember your competition at 1 pm! Don’t be late! The number 4 bus goes straight to Organ! The bus station is only one block down!’ I was so happy we were only 35 minutes away instead of 1 hour. I looked over to Jacks note

‘In town just doing some shopping, see you in a bit!’

I got dressed and ate some breakfast.

I put on shredded cuffed black demi shorts, a sparkly cheetah print tank top, and black sparkly TOMS. I packed my karate bag; put my hair in a long ponytail, and just a small bit of make-up. My usual make-up consisted of foundation, powder, and eyeliner/ mascara. I went down stairs and waited for Jack to arrive. 20 minutes later Jack arrived with Jayde.

“Hi Jack oh, and Jayde” I said nervous.

“Hey you ready got go? The bus comes in a few” Jack said looking at me as Jayde snuggled up to Jack smiling.

“Yeah I’m ready, let’s go…” I grabbed my bag and we left. Jayde was standing awful close to Jack. He was carrying her bag and laughing, I began to walk faster in angry when jack grabbed my arm pulling me back.

“We don’t need another accident Kim, stay back and just relax.”

I nodded as he held my hand keeping me from storming off. Jayde looked angry as we got on the bus and headed to the tournament.

---------Time Skip---------

We were all ready to compete and I looked over to Jack who sat on the bench with Jayde. They were laughing and hugging and my stomach felt like it was turning into knots. The announcer called up Jack; then Jayde gave Jack a hug then a kiss beside his mouth. He blushed and walked away with a small smirk and joy. I was furious but when Jack passed me by I just smiled and said

“Good luck Jack” I grabbed his hand and he smiled


He grabbed the Bo-staff and look upon his opponent squinting at him showing no fear. His opponent did the same and stood on his mark. Soon they were off as they attacked each other with great force. About 1 minute later his opponent was down on the mat.  I cheered running to his arms and we pulled into a long embrace until I felt awkward, our eyes were lit up like lights and we became silent and awkward towards each other. Then Jayde ran to his arms giving him a non- awkward hug. I was jealous and I walked up to the mat to begin my fight. It was a hand’s on fight and I looked at my opponent, sizing her up like a snake ready to see if she would fit. She threw a couple of sloppy punches and a few kicks. I decided to show Jayde something to maybe warn her on who she was dealing with. I dodged the redheaded girls punch twisting her back and I kicked her shoulder, she held her arm and forced another kick. I directed her foot into the air with my hand to make her do a flip. In mid-air (as she was falling to the ground) I did a high kick to her chest, and then I swung my leg to contact her ribs. She lay in pain but soon limped off the mat towards her bench. A few tears sprung from her eyes and she whispered to me

“You’re angry, I can tell. That force was not a fake hatred to me. Deal with the angry and kick its butt like you did to me” she wrapped her small sore arms around me and I hugged her back.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you…”

She walked away and Jack came up to me congratulating me.

Jayde gave a snarky remark “It looks like you had fun out there…” when Jack left she whispered hatred.

“I’m not scared of you Kimberly; BTW that was a sloppy job. Now I have a date with Jack at the party. He is going to be my boyfriend and be prepared to be kicked out because I’m staying the night with Jack at the house. I’m going to get your room and you will be gone, uh- bu-bye Kim,” Jack walked up to us and she changed her tone, “And good job! You did an amazing job kicking that girls butt! See you later Bestie!!!” she sang skipping away. Jack shrugged and we walked off to the change rooms. When we were done we caught a bit of Jayde’s fight. She punched the girl in the ribs and when stunned the girl backed up but brought a swift kick to Jayde’s hip. The girl ran at Jayde as she lie on the ground, the brunette did a master kick but Jayde rolled out of the way and the girl’s force made her tumble to the ground and off the mat.

“We have a winner! Bobbi Wasabi wins first place! Congrats!!” the announcer yelled to the crowd. Everyone knew Jayde would have lost in a heart-beat and it was all because the attacker messed up and Jayde rolled. Jayde still took fake pride in it and ran to Jack.

“Jacky poo I won!!!” she cheered jumping into his arms. She gave him a small peck and walked towards the change room. Jerry jumped into her way and picked her up swinging her around.

“Jayde you were amazing! I can’t believe you did that, Great job!” he said wrapping his arms around her. She pulled away and smiled to him

“Thanks jerry, I should really go now! See you at Jacks party!”

Jerry frowned and walked away nervously. I pulled jerry to the side and talked to him.

“Jerry what’s wrong?”

“Wuh, oh nothing, its nothing…” he shook his head and walked past me.

I ran after him and trying to talk,

“Jerry! I know there is something wrong! Please tell me, you can trust me! I’m your friend and I want to help if I can!”

Fine, I like Jayde but I heard her say she likes Jack and some other guy but can’t decide who she likes better! Then today she was on the phone and said the other guy did not seem to like her so she’s going to pick Jack unless the other guy who she likes asks her out or tells her he likes her! Now I’m just some dumping guy who can hardly talk to her! I’m starting to hate Jack, he gets all the girls and he’s super cool! While I’m just me…” Jerry spoke angrily as tears rolled down his cheeks.

“Jerry! Lots of girls like you! I think you are an amazing person, maybe Jayde just is not the right girl for you. Plus aren’t you dating Grace?” I said in a care written tone.

“I like Grace but no one but Jayde had made me feel love beside Mika who moved back! I miss her, and she liked me! Phil said she is in an arranged marriage in trade for Tootsie’s cousins.”

“I will help you, just come to the party tonight, Okay?”

“Fine” he gave in and wiped his tears as he headed for the bus.

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