The Accident: Kim POV

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The next morning I got up and got ready for school. Me and Jack would walk together every day and stop off at Joe’s Coffee house.

It was 7:35 and I opened my window. Every day I would open it up, Jack would jump through and we would leave to school. Jack walked in a few seconds later.

“Morning Kimmy, um there is a slight change of plans. Jayde wanted me to walk her to school, is that okay if all of us walk together?”

“Um yeah it’s okay, what’s one more person.”

We walked out my front door and headed towards Jayde’s house. I stood at the end of the walk and Jack walked up to the door.

“Good morning Jack!” she sang wrapping her arms around his neck.

I knit my eyebrows, ‘what was she doing? Why was she hugging him?’

“So Jack, are you ready to walk with me? By the way thanks so much for walking with me. I’m new and I asked Kim if she would but she was walking with her crush Mason. She was too busy I guess to…” she looked at me at the end of her walk way.

“Oh Kim I…”

“Save it Jayde, I get it” I stormed off in front of them.

Jack tried to go catch up with me but Jayde held him back. “Don’t do it, she’s angry. Just let her be, its best to leave a girl alone when their mad. I hardly get mad though” She said batting her eyelashes.

Ugh, how annoying was she! She’s trying to make me sound like a mean snob by making up that foolish story. The bus was coming and I ran up to catch it but then again I would rather eves drop on their conversation. I looked back to see Jayde was smiling and flirting with Jack.

“So I hear your dojo needs a new member? Lucky for you I’m a solid Red belt (or brown in certain places. Solid Brown and red are 2places from being a black belt.)

I quit for a while but I got started again about a year ago. I think I will come after school and check it out.”

“Sure that would be cool. Would you walk with me?”

“Sure, why not?” Jack said to Jayde.

I walked across the busy street towards the school. Lots of kids were getting off the buses and getting dropped off. I heard Jayde say something that struck me, just like the slow moving car. The pain ran through my leg. I knew it was not broken; the car was too slow to have broken it. All I knew is that it would be horribly bruised. I felt my heart jump and the car stop. I went off balance and fell hitting my head on the hood of the car. I was hearing people scream and all I could see is slight blurry visions of people. When my head hit the ground I was going into a deep sleep. I saw Jack over top of me looking into my eyes.

“You will be okay Kim, help is coming. I won’t let you leave now.”

I looked into his eyes sleepily, grabbing his shoulder. I saw him holding my head keeping it from the ground. My vision was getting darker and more blurry. I saw jack who was holding my head take one hand off to see my blood drip from it.

“Don’t leave me Kimmy, you will be okay” he insisted. That was it, my vision was black and all I could remember was my blood on Jacks hand. I had passed out and it was cold. I lay dead-like on the street, my blood on the ground and on the hood of the car. My leg was bruised but not as bad and my nerves were shot. I woke up, or so I thought, to see myself in a Steele chair in the middle of a dark room. There was only a spot light that was shining over me.

“Kim Crawford, I’m here to tell you something you must do. I am fear and future, something that lurks in your mind. I know all your hopes, dreams, lies, fears, and everything about you. I am here to show you what you want and what would happen if you don’t.”

“How did you do this?”

“Kim I am in you, I can summon you when things are getting cloudy. I will show you your heart’s desire and the affects it would have. Trust me now and listen.”

I nodded watching a misty image form in front of me.

“This is what you want; and you must get him before his heart moves on. I know and you too know he cares about you more than just a friend.”

A picture of Jack smiling and staring formed in front of me.

“You must do something before he becomes less wanting of you.”

A ‘love- meter’ appeared and the meter was at 88% then dropped to a 48%.

“This is your fear that you need to stop.”

Another meter marked ‘Jack and Jayde’ went from a 20% to a 56%. My stomach ached at the sight.

“Now this is your biggest fear if this was to happen.”

The picture of Jack changed into a picture of Jack staring into Jayde’s eyes and them leaning in to kiss.

“Stop it!” I yelled and everything froze. “I get it now! Just stop it please!”

“Now we have not much time left” the voice called.

“Well what do I do? How do I get him to like me again?”

The black background began to fade lighter and lighter, from a dark black to a light grey.

“What do I do?” I called out.

“You will know soon enough! Stay wise Kim, stay wise…”

I woke up in a hospital bed panting; in a chair Jack sat watching TV.

“Oh Jack!” I called out happily.

“Kim you’re awake, finally. I was starting to get worried.”

I called jack to come sit on the bed beside me. He took off his shoes, turned off the TV. I scooted over and we sat down.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

“I feel fine, but what happened exactly?”

“Well, you were walking across the street and Amanda Gwen’s dad was on his cell phone not paying attention. You stepped in front as he coasted away from his parking spot. The nurse said your nerves reacted to the large painful bump of the car and it caused you to shut down as your body’s safety defence. Thought you went down so fast and at an awkward position. You hit your head on the hood and cut the right side of your head a bit. You have 4 stitches now to make sure it stays closed and heals properly.”

I felt just above my ear to feel it.

I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back.

“What time is it?”

“Just after 2:30…”

“Oh how long have you been here?”

“I have been here the whole time. I even rode in the ambulance with you.”

Kickin' It- This Is WAR!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon