Watching and Waiting: Jack's POV

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I was walking with Jayde to school and Kim was angry. I wanted to go up and talk to her but Jayde advised me not to. I half listened to Jayde as she talked, I watched Kim walk. She looked so pretty but I knew she was very upset. Yes I like her, and I have since day one. I want to tell her but just like Jayde said earlier, Kim liked some other guy. I kept quiet about this life eating crush. I heard Jayde say to me “Jack will you sit with me at lunch by ourselves?” I looked at her then over to Kim who had slowed down in the middle of the road. I jumped forward to see Kim get hit in the thigh. I Ran forward as Kim’s legs gave out. She was shutting down like a robot and my heart stopped.

‘She was dying’ I thought to myself. Her head hit the car and a small amount of blood smeared on the white hood of the car. I went down on my knee’s cradling her upper body seeing a small puddle of blood where her head was. I whispered that she would be fine. A minute later the ambulance came and she had passed out. The S.A.R.T (or Seaford ambulance rescue team) came out and helped her into the ambulance.

“I need to come with her!” I yelled at an S.A.R.T worker in private.

“Are you family?” he asked.

“No I’m her boyfriend” I said quietly.

I know I’m not but I wish I was and I need to be with her. I needed to see if she was okay.

The worker helped me in and I sat beside her still cold body. We sat in the back by ourselves for a bit while they did some stuff out side.

“Kim I know you can’t hear me but I love you. I always have and I wanted to let you know in case you don’t make it. You are strong and I know you will but so I don’t live the rest of my life regretting I never told you.” I let a tear slide and it landed on her cold deep red lips. When we arrived I waited in the room she would stay while they patched up her head. I turned on the TV and waited for her. When she got in the room she was sleeping. They told me she would be fine and that she would have some slight pain in her leg and head for a few days. Nothing horrible and that she would be good as always by Thursday. I sat in the chair beside her bed and waited. Her mom and dad came in and looked at me waiting. They gave me a hug and told me she would be fine. I then told them I had it under control and they were free to leave. I would stay with her and call them when she was awake. They left soon enough and I was alone with her again. I held her cold hand and I looked at her small thin face. I was enchanted by her and could not help it anymore. I leaned in a kissed her forehead.

“I love you Kim Crawford.”

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Kickin' It- This Is WAR!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora