Love at First Sight <3 Jayde

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Jayde POV

I met Kim outside, and dang she looks so pretty since Elementary school. Kim and I talked for a bit and we walked inside. When I walked in my eyes spotted a super cute boy! His shiny brown hair and big brown eyes made my heart melt. I was persistent to meet him. I was about to say hi when some weird flirty guy jumped into my path and started using pick- up lines. I looked over to the Brown eyed guy and saw him smile. I blushed and ignored the flirty boy in front of me. When he finished his lines I walked around him.

“Hi I’m Jayde nice to meet you” I said to the brown eyed guy.

“Oh hi, the names Jack, nice to meet you too.” I took a seat beside him and stared into his eyes. I was in love already, and we just saw each other. 

Kim looked at me confused but I did not care. I listened to their stories of themselves. I only partially listened to them; I was too busy staring into Jacks eyes. After we talked we left the fro- yo shop and I started home. Kim offered to walk me home and I accepted. “Hey Kim are we going to walk home together?” Jack asked Kim.

“Uh yeah but I was going to walk Jayde home first but we can…”

I cut her off.

“Hey Jack how about all 3 of us walk home? I live only 6 blocks away from here.”

“Um okay, but uh Kim I want to talk to you in private about us. We can talk after though.” I slightly raged in angry trying to not show any feelings.

“Um I have to use the bathroom before we go. Kim will you come with me?” I asked.

She said yes and we walked into the bathroom. I washed my hands and asked.

“So Kim, what’s your relationship with Jack? Are you two dating or something?” “Um no were not dating”

“Do you uh, like him for any chance?” I asked trying to sound innocent.

“Well um, no I guess…”

Sorry for the short Chapter! Please Vote and Comment:)

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