Story Summary's

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1. Empty Bottles - (Nom-Teen Fiction)

Hope can't outlast 14 years of the same old promises that never came true. Not even the strongest of hope can outlast something like that. Hope can't heal the bruised on my body, nor can it save my alcoholic father. So the hope died, along with the little girl I was inside. Now all that is left is to keep me hanging on to life, but you can't hold on to false hope and broken promises, forever.

2. From The Inside Out - (Teen Fiction)

When words fill your mind, it makes in nearly impossible to realize the direction you are leading yourself into. You begin to match the outside to the inside. Figuring out that the real monster is inside of us.

3. Handcuffed To Another's Dreams - (Action)

All eyes on me when I'm in the spotlight, center stage, chancing after dreams. Though, they aren't my dream, they were forced upon me. I never wanted to be the girl that competitors envied, the student the trainer was proud of, or the competitor that the audience and judges watched. I would have rathered something else, but it was my moms dream. the dream should have died with the dreamer but it was almost the end of the season so I would wait it out.

4. One Man. Two Hands. My Body. - (Non-Teen Fiction)

Over time scars heal, and they become so faint that others barely notice them. However, we know the scar is there, so they seem to standout. Even though time may relieve us of the majority of the physical reminder, we are left with an unfadeable memory. Most of the time, these unfadeable memories result in a lesson. However, when the memories only allow us to relive the event, and damage us even more than anything physical. We find ourselves wishing for a physical pain instead. The good thing is that the man who left me with these memories I would never have to see him again or would I? It’s the little thought that turns my world black and white. A young girls life given the weight of a painful memory. The nightmare that happened while I was still awake. The thought in the back of my mind that fails to forget the event, person and place.

In The Making:

The Devils Lullaby - (Paranormal)

Heaven casts out the angels who become dark. However, a banished angel may never return to earth in human form, so they are either are stuck in between the worlds or brought into hell as a new demon, and the devil erases their memories of their past angel form. Though, could meeting your vessel help you remember the truth? Will it change anything or just torment the cast out angel.

Life's Time Limit - (Fantasy)

When your hourglass runs out of sand, you can't flip over and start again. We never know when the curtain is going to fall down, when the song is going end, or when our hourglass will run out of sand. However, life length isn't something you can tamper with even if you held your own hourglass, like I do. As time progresses and day go by I see the sand in the top of the hourglass diminish while the bottom continues to fill. I'm running out of time, time to say the right things to the right people, time to do good things for the good people, and time to change the future. I just have to watch each speck of sand fall, until the last one.

Through My Eyes - (*Larry AU* Fan Fiction)

Everything changes depending on the perspective, or so I have learned. My view on the world around me and the thoughts within me is a difficult concept for most to grasp. I don’t see, hear, taste or smell the world the same as most. Still, close your eyes, let the light that surrounds you fade into darkness. Are you afraid of the possibility that you may never see light again? At one point I was afraid of the dark because it existed within. Isolated form reality while experiencing the depth of my own mind. After living like this for some time I began to come accustomed to this view but it wasn’t always this way. My perspective was dependent on those around me, so with the change of scenery, from the outside world to a physiatric ward, my perspective changed for everything from internal to external. Although the biggest change was love, as I found myself in love with someone of the same sex. Still, I couldn’t stop my new love of Louis Tomlinson, a night mental security supervisor. However, does he love me? Is it possible for love to live within this building or is everything as crazy as the people in this ward?

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