First Night OUt

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England picked up his cell phone and smiled. He had a new text from America, his best friend. They didn't have a very good past, but that made their friendship stronger. "Hey wanna go to a bar tonight?" The message read. The blond ran a hand through his hair before replying. "Sure, who's driving us home though?" England typed slowly, not really wanting to go; but he missed America and needed some company. "I don't know bro!" The American's text screamed carelessness. England hated carelessness. We could die driving drunk, he thought to himself. He arranged for a friend to pick them up after and left his house without looking in the mirror

When England pulled up to the bar at 8:00 in his black car, he scanned the street for America. There was no sign of him so he stepped out of his car and slowly walked inside. England hated drinking, he got the worst hangovers. I'll keep it light tonight. He thought to himself as he spotted his companion and walked over to him, a drink already in America's hand.

"Hello America." England greeted the American and sat next to him. America's blue eyes widened. "Dude your hair looks great!" England put a hand on his hair, hoping to find it wasn't messy, but it was. "R-really?" England asked. "yeah bro, it looks like mine!" America cheered and ordered a drink for England. He watched the cup with his emerald eyes, and decided he'd accept it. This was going to be a long night. "So, you usually don't drink. What made you say yes to hanging out tonight?" America asked, grinning at his friend. "I thought it was about time we got together to talk. It's been way too long. Work gets in the way." At this point England was just rambling. He never knew what to talk about. "Oh I see. You missed me!" America winked and took a big gulp of his drink. "I-I what?" England stuttered. America just smiled and took another drink. "Shouldn't you slow down on those drinks?" England asked, trying to avoid the subject. "Nah!" The American shrugged and stood up to dance, dragging England by his hair to do the same. England protested, but ended up dancing next to America with a second drink in his hand.

By the end of the night, the two men wee drunk and dizzy. The music from the bar pounded in England's head, causing everything to blur. At one point he had been passed out in a booth next to America, laughing in his sleep. America on the other hand, was still up and laughing at everything. Around 2 a.m England's friend pulled up in a red car and drug the two outside, splashing water on their faces. "Good morning sleepy beauties!" Romania shouted, laughing. England shook his head, then winced at the pain. "Oh thanks you wanker!" England grumbled, and the two drug America into the car.

Romania drove the two drunks to England's apartment in town and helped them inside, then left with a wink and a tip of his hat. The two blonds crashed on the couch, not thinking about how close they were to each other.


bThanks everyone for reading! I'm very excited for this new story and there should be lots of drama!

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