"Oh thanks Harry." Louis' face heats up as he feels Harry's eyes on him studying him and Louis wishes he didn't because Louis can't study him back and that's unfair.

"Yeah so are you ready to go?" Harry's deep voice is just one of the best sounds Louis heard and he has heard a lot.

"Yeah let me get my phone." Louis walks back to the kitchen and grabs it from the table. "Okay let's go." He smiles and he can only hope it's not too ugly. Louis walks out the door and closes it behind him. He doesn't even need to ask to use Harry's arm because those soft hands are moving his arm though Harry's bend elbow. Louis ducks his head as he tries to hide his smile. Harry is just perfect.

"I think you'll like where we are going." Harry says when they step out of Louis' building.

"Will I?" Louis shivers from the wind and wishes he would have grabbed a jacket.

"Hell yeah." Louis giggles at him and they walk ten more minutes when Louis hears the rushing water and quacking of ducks.

"The lake?" Louis asks as they stop and he can hear Harry moving something.

"The river actually." Harry grabs Louis hand. "Sit." And Louis does right on a soft blanket and he hears Harry sit down next to him.

"Lunch down by the river." Louis mumbles as a smile spreads across his face.

"What?" Harry's voice is muffled like his face is in a box or something.

"Nothing. What are you doing?" Louis turns his body so he is facing Harry with his legs crossed.

"Lunch." Harry hands Louis a glass plate which makes Louis frown. "Don't frown you'll get wrinkles and a pretty face like yours can't get those." Harry says and Louis rolls his eyes behind is glasses because that's not true it's more like he can't get any more wrinkles because he has so many already, he feels them every day.

"So what do we have for lunch today?" Louis changes the subject and if he could see then he would have saw Harry's look of sympathy thrown at him.

"My famous homemade cheeseburgers, very American of me." Harry says with proudness. Louis reaches his hands carefully onto the plate and grabs the burger and takes a bite of it. He smiles at the taste of melted cheese and the perfect amount of mustard and ketchup. He takes another bite and he tastes something else, something sweet in it.

"Taco seasoning?" Louis asks as he takes another bite.

"Oh my god! Shhh! No one is supposed to know that. How did you even find out? There is no way you can taste it." Harry panics but Louis can hear the joke in his voice.

"Heightened senses." Louis giggles and taps his sunglasses for emphasizes.

"That's so unfair but I'll let it slide as long as you promise not to tell anyone and when I say anyone I mean anyone." Harry mumbles through his bite of food.

"I promise." Louis smiles and they talk some more, mostly about Harry's food.


"What time is it?" Louis asks Harry after the finished their meal and are now walking down the length of the river.

"Somewhere around three." Louis nods towards him and tries not to shiver from the cold breeze the river is blowing at them but of course he fails.

"Are you cold?" Louis knows Harry is looking at him because his voice is closer than when it would be when he looks away.

"No." Yes

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Harry, I'm fine." No I'm freezing!

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