"Des! Ignore her she's lying!"

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"Ms. Louvier! Strike three!" The teacher shouts across the room, pointing towards my direction.

My eyes widen, "What?!" I stood up from my chair and glared at my teacher, "Out now! Before I call your mother!" Her voice grew louder, as a smirk played on my lips.

"Ha! You don't have her number, but you're welcome to try." She huffs in frustration as she walks over to a large filing drawer on the opposite side of the class, and begins searching through them. Pretty soon a triumphant chuckle escapes her lips as she pulls out a small folder with the name 'Louvier' in big red letters, as the teacher opens the folder she pulls out what looks to be a square card. Probably the emergency contact info, but the jokes on her really.

"That is the right cellphone number to get a hold of my mom. . .as of last month anyway. . ." She glares in my direction. What is with this b!tch and staring at high school girls.

Mrs. Culofea ignores my comment and continues to dial the number, "I'm sorry the number you have reached is not in service, please try-" The phone slams shut against the mahogany desk, as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I'm giving you thirty seconds to get the f*uck out my classroom or I'm calling the school's police!" I smirked as I got up from my seat and grabbed my things. Only cause Des and Lou would kill me if I got myself arrested. I'm not that big of a badass. I was just a few inches away from the door until I realized I forgot something, so I turned around swiftly.

"Hey! Don't forget about Louis and I's anniversary party this Saturday!" I shout towards Destiney. "You too Niall, bring your badass bradford bad boi!" I see Niall's cheeks glow a soft shade of pink as he shyly gives me a thumbs up. I feel something hit me on my arm, as I turned around it was miss assface with a giant ass ruler in her hands.

"No more warnings! I say leave and YOU LEAVE!" She barked, hitting me hard with the tan ruler.

Oh this b!tch just wants to start sh!t doesn't she! . . . . . . . . Calm down Mel. . . .she's just jealous that you're young and beautiful, and she's old and fugly. So fugly that her face looks like a wrinkled up deformed mutant alien ass that has herpes.

"I'm leaving already! Sheesh!" I turn and walk towards the door.

"Hmph! You don't even deserve Louis, he could do so much better." She mumbles under her breath a little too loud. I turn back around, "Excuse me?! Care to repeat your death wish again?"

"You heard me! You don't deserve Louis you nasty, evil, lying, sadistic b!tch of a whore who doesn't ever seem to care about anybody else but yourself." She slams her fists against the mahogany desk.

Normally I would have a witty comeback ready to use, but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I stood there paralyzed, my mind processing the words that burned through my chest. I can be mean at times but evil? Am I a bad girlfriend who cares about nobody but herself. . . .

"Oh hell nah!" Des shouts, breaking the looming silence, as she flipped over her desk followed by Raina's desk behind her. She walks up to me and whispers, "I got your back sis!" before dashing towards the teacher, who was smirking behind her desk evilly.

With one swift movement Des slides all the contents from the teacher's desk onto the floor. The coffee mug had shattered into pieces, spilling the coffee all over her grade book and agenda. Her glass picture frame sent shards of glass flying in different directions, her iPhone 5C screen was cracked beyond repair, and to top it all off her lunch had spilled all over the floor. The giant piece of cake that was in her bagged lunch laid on the dirty school floor.

"What in the f*cking hell gives you the right to talk sh!t about Mellisa, an amazing sister/bestie to me, and the most wonderful girlfriend to Louis!" Her voice was booming throughout the classroom. I couldn't help but let a few tear drops fall as I genuinely smiled. Destiney Llyria Houston is the most amazing, kind and wonderful, caring best friend/sister that anybody could ever hope for. Plus I know from a certain bushy haired green eyed birdy that she is the sweetest, loving, and affectionate girlfriend. I'm so glad that I have the awesomest bad-ass best friend in the whole entire world.

Mrs. Assface didn't say anything, she was completely silent, a blank expressionless look on her face. "F*ck you and this lame ass class! Mellisa let's blow this place!" She walks towards me, grabbing my hand as she pulled me along with her. Once again when we were just about to head through the door somethings f*cked up happens.

"Well you know what they say, like mother like daughter." We turn around and find her staring down at the cake, eyeing it all creepily. Now you know this set us both off.

"What the hell did you just say you f*cking b!tch?!" We shouted simultaneously. Does this b!tch not know when to stop talking?!

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." She keeps her gaze on the cake, that still laid on the floor. Des begins charging at her only for me to stop her.

"What do you know about our moms?" I spoke cautiously, holding back a fiery Destiney.

She chuckled darkly taking her eyes off the cake and focusing them on us, "Why don't you ask your mom about her high school years and her little mistake." Her arms were crossed, as she laid her feet up on the barren desk.

"What little mistake?!" She was trying to egg Destiney on, and it was working. Des was just a feet away from her.

"Aw. . . .mommy dearest never told you? She got knocked up by some guy in school during her tenth year of high school."

"YOU F*CKING LIAR!! MY MOM NEVER SLEPT AROUND WITH ANYONE!!" She clenched her fists and fire began raging in her eyes mixed with tears that were on the brim of her eyes.

"Your so called "father" is not your real father. Your real father left that skank all alone on the streets, helpless, and didn't even bat an eyelash her way."

"Des! Ignore her she's lying!" I I pleaded for her to cease her actions. She looks at me and I could see the hurt and disappointment boiling in her eyes. Grabbing her hand I dragged her out of the classroom, flipping off the teacher while mouthing a f*ck you to her, and pulled her out into the halls near the music room.

"What the hell are you doing Mel?! Did you not hear what she just said about our moms? My mom?" Her hands ran through her jet black hair as tears began brimming in her eyes. "What if she's right?" She choked out.

"Hey. . .hey. . ." I pull her in for a warm bear hug, "We're going to get to the bottom of this, don't worry your little heart." I assured her soothingly. After a couple seconds we pulled apart and headed into the bathroom to fix our makeup, that had smeared all over our faces. When we were done we left the bathroom and decided to ditch school the rest of the day.

"So to the mall?" I question starting up the engine. She nods and smiles lightly.

"I'll call the boys and tell them to meet us at Auntie Anne's (Pretzel Shop) with Cinnamon Rolls and Pepperoni Pretzels?" A smile forms on her face.

"Don't forget the slushies." She adds, sitting up in the seat. Her mood was only a tiny bit better.

"You text them, I'm driving!" A laugh escapes her lips as she pulled out her phone.

I'm All That You Need (Ziall, Sophiam) AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora