~Anniversary Catastrophe~

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"So what should we do for our anniversary Thursday?" Mellisa asks, playing with Louis' soft and fluffy hair. Louis was laid down on the sofa, his head on her lap and his legs curled up like a kitten.

"We could find Waldo, God knows how long he's been missing." Mellisa raises an eyebrow at him. "He's wearing red and white stripes, how hard is it to find a fücking guy with red and white stripes?!" A soft giggle escapes her lips as she rolled her eyes at him.
"I'm serious Lou. Our last one was atrocious!" She continues playing with his brown locks, admiring how soft they were.

"I'm still not over that." Mellisa shudders at the horrifying memory, it was as if it happened yesterday.


"Hey everyone thanks for coming to Louis and I's anniversary party." Mellisa says into the microphone that stood on the round stage. She was wearing a dark lavender off the shoulder dress that stopped at the middle of her knees. The sequins would shine in the moonlight whenever Louis twirled her, dancing gracefully as their bodies responded to each other in ways they couldn't imagine.
There was a round of applause, followed by cheering and whistling.

"Another glass for my soon to be wife?" He smiles, pouring the red wine into her wine glass.

Mellisa raises an eyebrow at him, "Wife huh, I like the sound of that." They clink their glasses together, gazing upon each other's eyes.

~Two hours later~

Everyone was dancing and drinking to their hearts content, bodies were pressed closed to each other as the scent of wine filled the night sky. One by one couples started dropping to the floor, pissed drunk from the amount of alcohol consumed.

The anniversary couple were still dancing and drinking, they hadn't consumed a large amount like everyone else.

"Aw babe. . .look" her fingers point to the passed out guests on the ground. Louis glances around him, there were people passed out everywhere, some were in trees and on the roof.

"Well that just leaves more time for us." She giggles softly at his words, a blush fading in her cheeks. He interlocks their hands, pulling her close to him as he leaned in.

"Hey guys! Great party." Harry shouts in their direction. Accompanying him was his girlfriend of seven years, Destiney Llyria Houston, his soul mate and partner in crime. She was also best friends, almost sisters, with Mellisa, Sophia, and up until a year ago Danielle.

Destiney was dressed in a beautiful navy blue strapless dress that hugged her curves perfectly, and really highlighted her skin tone.

"I'm so glad you guys were able to make it to our party." Mellisa pulls Destiney in for a bear hug.

"Well we just came to tell you guys Happy Anniversary, you two really are a match made in heaven." Louis hugs Harry brotherly like, before turning back to his love.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." Harry says, interlocking her hand with his. Aww. . .Destinarry are so cute together, Mellisa thought to herself, smiling at how affectionate he was to her and only her.

Harry says Louis and I are a match made in heaven but nothing compares to the bond they share. Louis and Mellisa waved adieu to the couple as they left.

"Now where were we. . ." Louis turns to Mellisa, slinking his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him as he leaned in again. She giggled softly.

"Woah. Loumeli, you guysss arree the bess parrty throwers." Sophia interrupts, obviously pissed drunk. Her words were slurring and she seemed to be having difficulty standing up straight. A few seconds later Liam trails behind her, an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry for the interruption, I was just about to take Soph home. Anyway Happy Anniversary guys." Liam wraps his arm around her waist and begins to turn her around, the sudden movement making Sophia's cheeks grow big as she released the contents of her stomach all over Louis and Mellisa, as chunks landed on his tie and her dress. They were both covered in the putrid smell that is throw up. Mellisa squeals in horror as she shut her eyes tight.

Liam's eyes widen as he goes to grab Sophia's nauseous body, but she was already walking weakly towards the nearby table where the drinks and appetizers were. Liam quickly ran after her with his hands hovering on either side of her in case she fell. "Babe we need to go," Liam said to Sophia as he grabbed hold of her waist and slowly pulled her towards him.

Sophia wobbled out of Liam's grip, "In a minute Zack, I wan soma punc." She uncontrollably slurred her words as Liam paused momentarily.

Zack was Sophia's last ex before Liam, and if she started mentioning his name then you knew she was beyond drunk.

Liam was hit with a wave of pain, but he ignored it and pulled Sophia's drunk figure towards him. She was in the process of drinking the fruit punch when all of a sudden her cheeked hollowed as she clutched her stomach and spewed the remaining fruit punch from her mouth into the fruit punch bowl. Liam went inside to grab a bucket and some towels. Coincidentally, right next to the drinks was the three-tiered anniversary cake Mellisa worked so hard on. Sophia stopped for a moment and gripped the edge of the table for support, but alas she was far from done. Like a chipmunk with a myriad of nuts in its mouth, she hollowed her cheeks and released the remaining contents all over the purple and navy blue anniversary cake. Chunks flying in different directions as Liam swiftly runs to catch Sophia's collapsing figure. He picks her up bridal style and walks over towards Louissa (Louis and Mellisa) and apologizes deeply for the events thatjust occurred. Louis motions for him to leave as Liam walks away, his face red from embarrassment. After they leave Mellisa sprints towards their bathroom and locks the door, crying her eyes out as Louis hovers over the door. He apologizes repeatedly for everything and tells her he will make it up to her.

I'm All That You Need (Ziall, Sophiam) AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora