Chapter 8- Don't Mess With Dark Alleys

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Recap:Alex and Jake were way ahead of me yet again chatting away like they just met, I was left thirty feet behind The sun was almost completely down leaving me with only the street lights illuminating me. It was getting cold and before I knew it, somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me into a dark alley way. My mouth was covered and I couldn't scream.
I struggled to get away but I eventually gave up. I couldn't make out who it was, he seemed to be about 6' 5" and was wearing black. I was hoping it would be Paul. "Shut you goddamn mouth or I'll kill you right here." Crap, it isn't Paul. Pauls voice was pretty deep but this guys voice was three two times deeper. I didn't know this guy and my brother and Jake were gone. How could they not notice me? Does anyone care about me? Am I going to be raped or possibly dead? The toughts running through my head were making tears stream down my face more and more each time.
The man quickly pulled a gun out while still covering my mouth and told me to walk. He pushed the gun into my hip rather than my head and I wasn't sure why but it hurt really badly.
"Are you going to stop crying now or am I going to have to shoot you?" I wasn't sure how but I immediately stopped crying and wiped up my tears. He took his hand off of my mouth as we approached a shady house less than thirty feet away from the alley I was pulled into.
"Don't you leave my sight, you hear me?" The man grabbed his keys with one hand and had the gun in the other. I felt like I was going to faint so I grabbed onto the railing. I looked around at the other houses and wondering why nobody was seeing this. I looked to my right and in the dark I saw something move, it was Paul. I noticed he put his finger up to his mouth as a sign for me not to say anything. Right as he went pushing me up to his house I heard Alex's voice scream me name as loud as ge could. I saw people running and then a gun shot. I heard nothing but silence after that.

Hey lovelies!! I apologize once again for the lack of updating. I really hope you guys like this and I think you guys deserve two updates today😊 Love you guys and thank you so much for the nice comments I'm so so so so so glad you like it. Love you guys❤️

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