Chapter 3- Long Walks

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I sat down and the blonde smiled at me. I smiled back. To be honest, he was REALLY cute, even his smile was perfect.
"Hi, I'm Paul."
"I'm Kayla." I kept smiling. Oh my gosh Kayla, stop smiling.
"And, um, sorry about Jake. He not a shy person as you can tell." We both laughed.

Jake studied us and eventually asked, "So, where are you guys from obviously we haven't seen you guys around."
"Indiana" Alex answered most questions.
"Oh cool what part?" Jake actually seemed interested.
"Wheres that?"
I liked answering this one,"In the north east corner of the state,smack dab in the middle of nowhere." It was the truth.
"Oh thats simple enough. So what brings you here?"
"Stuff happened." Alex answered trying to avoid giving an explanation why.
"Oh sorry. Wanna take a walk on the beach before it gets too dark?" By the way Jake spoke you could tell he was just full of energy it made me smile.
"That would actually be a good idea." I said looking at Paul and he looked over at me too smiling.
We weren't walking on the beach more than five minutes and I was getting cold and we were way behind my brother and Pauls friends. It was just me and Paul, and I liked it.
"You cold?" Paul noticed me shivering.
"A little but I'll be fi-" before I could already finish, Pauls jacket was already in my hands. "No really, I'm fine."
"I insist." I couldn't say no so I put it on. He was wearing a white shirt and I'm not gonna lie he looked good in it.
"So have you ever surfed before?"
"No, there's no waves in Indiana."
"Well I could teach you if you wanted to."
"Yeah that would be nice. I've always wanted to learn."
"How about tomorrow, I mean it's going to be a Sunday."
"Sure, that would be nice."
Paul stopped dead in our tracks and stopped me. "Wait," he pulled me down to the sand to look at the sunset,"Just watch the waves."
The sun was orange and perfect on the horizon. The waves became calmer and so did everything else that moment.
"It's beautiful." I smiled and I could tell he was looking at me so I looked at him too. His eyes were even more beautiful than ever. We both looked away at the same time. He put his arm around my waist. I felt a shock, like not bad, but good. I feel happy with him even though I've just met him about an hour ago. Is that bad? I lean my head on his shoulder, he leans on me too. After about thirty seconds of complete silence Paul finally talks to me, but he doesn't move. "Look, I don't know you and I know we just met, but, would I be a complete jerk if I said I liked you."
"No," I waited about ten seconds, " would it be wrong if I said that about you?" We looked at each other for a second and he started to lean in. Oh god what do i do? We don't even know each other, we just met, but he's so beautiful, god whats wrong with me?
Our faces were centimeters apart. I heard a voice behind me clear their throat. It was Alex along with Pauls friends. I had mixed feelings right now.
"I better go home, I'll see you tomorrow Paul!"
"We can walk you guys home." Jake said, you could tell he was helping Paul.
"Thats fine."
"Well I would drive you guys home but my car broke down yesterday and it's still at the shop."
"Nah it's cool man." Alex I guess already made friend, I guess I did too but they weren't girls.
Paul stayed by my side on the entire walk home, I liked it.
"So, I know that this would be really early but." He paused, oh my gosh, is he going to ask me out? "Would 6:00 am work for you?"
"Surfing, we all like to hit the waves really early."
I have to admit, I was kinda disappointed, I thought he was going to ask me out.
"Kayla?" Paul was waiting for a response.
"Oh, yeah, right, sure." I looked at him for a second and looked down and kept walking.
We kept walking and I noticed Paul look at Jake on the other side of me, Jake must have gave him a look because he nodded and grabbed my wrist and let the others keep walking and said we would catch up.
He cleared his throat,"So, I was wondering, maybe, if we could go out sometime. Like next week or tomorrow." We both laughed at that.
"Well my brother could possibly kick your ass depending on if he likes you or not."
He chuckled, "So is that a yes?"
We both laughed he put his arm around my shoulder and began walking and he kissed my cheek. I blushed a little and obviously he noticed.
"Let's just hope you're brother doesn't kick my ass though."
"Nah, I think he likes you."
Jake looked behind and looked at Paul and smiled and nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Somehow he must have heard. He eventually said, "Hurry up love birds!" My brother looked back and just smirked and went back to talking to his friends. Paul shouted back at Jake, "Nah, I got this one." He looked at me smiling. Jake just mumbled but I could hear him. He said,"No makin out then."
I yelled back, "Heard that!" He just smirked.
They all started talking again so they wouldn't hear our conversation.
"So, I saw you didn't want to kiss me earlier." Paul said, he didn't seem that sad and he certainly wasn't mad.
We looked at each other for a second, "I just met you. Besides, I probably not like those other girls."
"What other girls?"
"Oh come on Paul, I'm just going to say it. You're gorgeous! You just seem like the guy that girls would die for!" I did a dramatic pose at the end.
"Well I'm not going to lie, I have dated a lot of girls but they think I'm the cool guy thats the big actor who will give her everything when it's not true." He chuckled.
Finally I knew. I stopped. "That it! Weren't you on Highway to Heaven?"
"My mom would watch that all the time and I knew you looked a little firmiliar."
"Thats cool."
"Well can I have your autograph, phone number, and picture too!"
Paul wasn't falling for it, he knew I was joking. But I said I was anyway.
"No but really I'm not that kind of girl." We both laughed.
We talked 'till I got to our house about five minutes later. I was really tired but Alex invited everyone in for a while and if they wanted to stay they could. They watched TV for a while. My mom was working, thats part of the reason why we moved to California, she was offered a nursing job here. I sat down on the couch next to Paul and he put his arm around me. Alex looked at us then at the guys,"You should probably go upstairs to bed."
I groaned,"Oh please can I stay up for a while. Hey where the same age you can't boss me around boy."
They all laughed. Paul whispered in my ear, "You should if you want to go surfing with me tomorrow." I looked at him and smiled. Then there's Jake and the boys... Making lovey-dovey noises. Alex got annoyed and said he was going to get snacks.
I said goodnight to Paul and gave him a kiss on the cheek but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back and kissed me on the lips. Nothing too romantic but it was to me. Everyone said ewwww like little kids and we laughed. I said goodnight to Paul again and started walking upstairs. Alex walked in and started laughing I was halfway upstairs when I heard Alex say with a mouthful of food,"Ew stop staring Paul! Same for you guys. Geez you're all sleeping downstairs if you keep that up." Alex wasn't mad he was actually laughing. I just laughed and said,"Sickos I'm taken and you just got told." And I guess they heard me because they laughed too. I did my night routine and sat on the steps where nobody saw me and listen to their conversations. It was all fun and games until my brother left for more food (a/n typical teenage boys) and they started talking about me...
OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH and what did they sayyyyyy????? BTW...WOOOHOOOOO!!! Two edits in ONE day?! Yeah you should give me credit though because it's exactally 3:05 am here. Thats how much I love you guys to the moon and back❤️❤️❤️

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