Chapter 5- Just Words

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As I sat in the booth watching the boys joke around like the clowns they are, I looked to my right every once and a while and watched Paul and the bubbly blonde exchange looks and a laugh every once and a while, I was really uncomfortable but it was like a car wreck, I just couldn't look away. After all, she was a lot prettier than me in my opinion. As she twirled her straight golden blonde hair and popped her double bubble gum. You could tell she's not the type of girl Paul would even think of being around, it would be a shame if she got her million dollar look drenched in salt water from the sea. I bet the only surfing she does is through her daddy's bank account.

We finally finished our burgers and fries and I was ready to go home, I would have left sooner but the food was way too good. I was the first to get up and walk out the door and start walking towards the truck, I sat in the front of the truck in between Jake who was driving and my brother so I wouldn't have to look at Paul. I looked back to see if everyone was in and I saw Paul walk towards the truck and all the sudden the blonde ran out after him with a piece of a napkin with something written on it, and right then I knew, it was her number. Jake and a few of his friends saw what happened and saw that I saw what was happening. Jake just gave me an "Are you OK?" kind of look, I just nodded and looked down.

We headed home and I ran up to my room without saying a word, I grabbed my guitar and went downstairs and sat on the porch. I looked for a place to sit and I found an old porch swing, however, it didn't look very trustworthy so I just sat on the steps of the porch. I started strumming a few cords and soon started playing 'Say Hello, Wave Goodbye' I started singing and I heard two boys nagging at each other, it sounded like Paul and Jake. I kept strumming and singing but a little quieter than usual because I didn't want to grab any attention, this song kind of reminded me of Paul right now. I was almost finished with the song until I heard the screen door open and it looks like Jake's hand pushed Paul out. He looked at me and smiled, I just looked down and stayed silent. He came and sat down next to me.

"So you saw what happened earlier didn't you." He didn't look surprised, he just looked disappointed. I just nodded.

"Look if it makes you feel any better, I threw the number away. I admit I do have a problem with girls, I guess I do flirt a lot and date a lot of girls. Now you, you are special Kayla, I don't tell girls any of the things I've told you okay?"

I got kind of mad because he thinks this isn't a big deal, to me it is. "Look Paul, you treat this like it's a little issue. I'm not that kind of girl okay? I'm not the kind of girl that goes out and parties and drinks and does drugs and sleeps with guys. I don't flirt with every good-looking guy I see, I guess I'm not your type of girl, so I'll stay out of your way." I got up and grabbed my guitar, I guess Paul didn't see that coming because he was still shocked and he didn't move. I put my hand on the door about to open it, "I love you Paul, but I'm not going to forgive you that easily." I opened the door and noticed everyone was quiet and looking at me. "What?" I was mad, they jumped a little bit and just went back to talking about typical guy stuff. My brother knows me, he knows I want to be left alone, so he did.

I sat in my room and cried. When I finally got myself together I looked through some magazines and looked at the poster on my wall of Rob Lowe (oh 80's Rob <3) and began to wonder, are all guys like this? I looked through some of my guitar note sheets and some were love songs, to me, all of it was words, just small, empty, meaningless words. Then I soon realized that all of the things Paul said to me were just words, just like those stupid love songs.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys, I really hoped you liked my chapter, I know it's REALLY short compared to my other chapters. Now I want to ask you guys something because I feel really stupid about it because I should have known this: I want her and Paul to be the same age in this book, 16, and I realized that if it was 1986 then they would only be 13, oops! So I might be s=changing it to 1989 or something like that:l And also later on I'm thinking on bringing Mr. Rob Lowe into the book for a chapter and it should get interesting!! I am also going to be with my dad for idk how long so I may not be updating for a while weather or not he has internet yet. Love you guys and thank you so so so so so so so SO much for the nice comments I love you guys to the moon and back!

1989 (A Paul Walker Fan-Fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum