Chapter 5 - Jay

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“AND CUT!” yelled the familiar voice as the red light on the camera slowly dimmed. “That’s a wrap people.” Everyone in the room started to scurry around and hustle on their way. I remained seated at my mahogany desk, I watched the playback on the screen. I had gained a lot of weight in the past year, and lost a lot of hair. The stress of the job was getting to me. I knew coming in that position of Leader of Terra Iterum wasn’t going to be easy. But I didn’t exactly picture myself in this situation. I imagined a certain degree of pomp and circumstance for the colony to Mars. I didn’t want it to turn out this way, but I have no choice. This is what the board ordered. I immediately thought of him, I wondered if he is out there somewhere; he must be preparing to leave with the rest of the children. I haven’t seen his mother in 12 years, I should have said something then but I was afraid. I was a different person back then; I was just a teenager in Zone V, I had dreams of changing the world one day. When she told me she was pregnant, I freaked out. I told her I couldn’t do it, I was foolish. She left the Zone without saying goodbye or telling anyone where she was going. The last I heard from her was when I received an unmarked envelope from her two years after she left.

The envelope had my name on the front, and on the back it was signed by her. Inside was a picture of her and a baby boy, who looked to be about one year old. On the back of the photograph had only two words written: Our future. I remember the first moment I looked at that photograph of our son. I had felt a strong pang of guilt and regret over what I had done. I thought about him every day. Does he look like me? God, I hope he didn’t get my chin. I bet he has his mother’s eyes, she was beautiful. She was my first love, Kira Evans. She was very shy and introverted. I haven’t seen her since; I focused all my time and energy in politics. I wondered how she felt seeing me on TV and then getting made leader. I wanted her to call out to me again, ever since she sent that photograph. But she never contacted me again. Did she miss me at all? I made a mental note to myself that I would try to find her once I got the chance and reconnect with my son before he departed for the shuttles in a month. This past year had been so hectic; now that I was leader, I wanted to search for her.

“Good job sir!” Brita’s voice broke through my thoughts. “We’ll use that footage for the orientation, I’m sure the… the children will appreciate it.” Brita lowered her gaze slightly and gave a weak smile. She was my personal assistant; she basically took care of all my schedules for the day. She had long straight blonde hair that she always wore in a high ponytail. Her green eyes were hidden behind thick glasses which seemed too big for her face.

“Ah, yes, the children, that’s good. How is Darla? Have you told her yet?” Brita’s head lowered and her expression saddened.

“No sir, I don’t know how to tell her.”  She replied softly shaking her lowered head. “Her father usually handled this sort of stuff and well-“

“It’s okay Brita,” I said putting my arm on her shoulder. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. Spend these precious moments with your daughter.

“Thank you sir,” Brita replied with a brightened expression. “I will get that report done first thing in the morning.” She clumsily gathered her files and folders and left after saying goodbye.

I was left alone to my thoughts. I thought about my impending doom waiting for me in half an hour. I had a meeting with the Top Five of the Board. I always dreaded my meetings with them, they were always so domineering. They would shoot down everything I suggested, and always got their way. Ever since this crisis started, I’ve been having a lot of these meetings; it’s been really hectic here. I could just picture it, at least one of them will complain about how long they have been waiting for me. Another will then start on all the mistakes I have made and how I should be a better leader. It will take us a good 15 minutes to get to the main purpose of the meeting, which was Mars.

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