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Hey, all thanks to all wonderful readers:) The revealing chappy that'll justify the title "soulmate"


Rose was excited about the pre-holidays, she was excited to meet her grandparents after six months. She had so much to tell them. Most of all she was excited that Helen decided to spend the vacation at her home since her parents were away.

Ronny was the only person who seemed grumpy about the holidays,  He even managed to swear when he heard then news.  They were all having a chat about the situation in Rose’s room when Jesse suddenly frowned and hushed them all.

“They decide to give us pre-holidays…”

It was four days to the vacation start. There were many confused faces looking at Jesse demanding him an explanation.

“They think it would be better to send the students away while the figure out the security breach and tighten the security measurements. The shield we activated wouldn’t hold much longer…”

“What the…”That’s when Ronny couldn’t help but swear.

Rose was already packed up when they were called to the great hall to announce about it. Students cheered loudly as it was announced.

“Jesse didn’t even say bye…” Rose huffed as she shouldered her bag.

Helen smiled knowing she was missing him already and she was grateful that she wouldn’t be missing her Andy since they had plans for the vacation.  She felt sorry for Rose.

Jesse was leaning against the wall when Rose came running to her. “I thought that I would leave without saying bye…”

He smiled and walked her towards the awaiting bus.

“See you soon…” Jesse said it with a mischevious grin.

She couldn’t help but have a feeling that it would be sooner than she imagined. Through the ride she saw Helen’s cheshire cat grin and knew she was upto something but her mind was too preoccupied about all the things that she needed to say to her gramps that she ignored her.

Rose slept well into the morning, Last night she had a long chat with her gramps telling about every second that  she spent away from them. She yawned and rolled on her bed shaking off her laziness.  She pulled herself up and leaned on the bed post watching Helen doing her hair.

“Wow! You’re dressed up already?” It was more like a question.

Helen just smiled, stood up and checked herself in the mirror. “Am I looking good?”

“You are always beautiful…” Rose said stifling a yawn.

“Are you going to get off the bed anytime soon?” She walked to the bed post and rubbed kitty's ears who was purring excitedly now that Rose woke up.

“She had been trying to wake you up the whole time, I think it’s hungry.” Helen said scooping Kitty up into her hands and eying Rose as she stretched lazily and got down the bed.

“I’ll be down in 10min…”

Rose heard more than three voices coming from the living room. She perked her ears to hear who the fourth person was.  A small smile crept on her face as she recognized the voice of her aunt.This was what Helen was excited about?Meeting her boyfriends mother? Wasn’t this too early? Why was she hurrying up into a relation? Rose was confused about all this.

From all she had seen and know, she never saw a girl excited to get into a relation this early. May be she should talk to Helen about it as a friend she should do that.

What surprised her most  was Aunt had no problem with them being together. She was in fact quite friendly with Helen. It all seemed weird to Rose.She was going to talk to Helen at the very first chance she gets.

And that was only when they retired to the bed. The whole day the family spent together and that meant Helen too. Everyone behaved quite normal as if this happens everyday as if Helen was always a member of the family. How did they accept her without even a slight discussion about it, It was not as if Rose was sad about it. She was happy for Helen but the weirdness of it all was too disturbing.

“Are you awake?” Rose mumbled.


“I want to ask you something…ummm…. How can you be so sure that Andy is the one?” Rose blurted it out.

Helen turned to face her and sat up, the bed creaked while the two girls sat up.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you were dating him only for few months…” Rose didn’t know how to put it without offending her decision.

“I would know who my soulmate is, Wouldn’t I?” Rose didn’t understand her answer, it was an answer to her question though.

Helen watched her poker face. Why wasn’t she saying anything? It’s not like her to keep quiet that’s when Helen realized the possibility of Rose not knowing about the whole Soulmate thing.

“Soulmate is your other half… it’s like he is the missing puzzle piece and when he is fit in, your world would be complete.  It is believed in our world that the human soul is divided into two halves each one placed in perfectly coupled two halves. They are destined to meet and when they did we feel complete….”

Rose still seemed to not understand this fairy tale concept.

“Have you ever felt that there is something more to your life?”

“Everyone feels that way, don’t they?” Rose queried.

“You’ll understand why you felt that way when you meet your soulmate…”

“What if I don’t find him?” Rose asked.

Helen huffed;how can her friend have such outrageous thoughts. She sighed knowing she need to dig deeper into the concept but she was worried that she would be freaked out when she learnt about it.

“The soulmate bonding is what determines whether you are going to be a nightling or the true one’s… When you bond with your soulmate the dominant one in the relationship is the one who decides their future. I mean if he turns dark you will be dark too…”

Rose gasped… Her mind wheels turned.She was having many crazy thoughts. Why didn’t anyone tell her about this? Not even Jesse?

“But what if I chose not to be a nightling just because he is…” she stammered, she already knew that answer but she wanted Helen to say something different which would help her conscience.

“When you find your soulmate,  he is like gravity and you always tend to hold to it. You’ll be blinded by the love and just follow his lead everywhere. In case if your thinking that you’ll never accept anyone as soulmate. Let me tell you this, no matter what you do he will come for you…”

Helen fluffed her pillow and left Rose to think all to herself. Rose had tough time sleeping that night, she was haunted by nightmares of finding her soulmate and turning into nightling.


Any guesses on who will be Rose's soulmate? Will she be a nightling or true one?

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