Chapter 29

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Ethan's POV

I know exactly what I have to do to be able to visit Emma, but I'm
going to have to get permission to do so. I left my room and ran down the stairs, quickly grabbing a handful of cereal before I left.

"Uh, mom, I'm gonna go to a friends house, I'll be back later." I told my mom who was sitting at the table, sipping on her coffee.

"Alright sweetie, see you soon." she waved, giving me a sweet smile.

I returned a smile and turned around, walking down the hallway to the front door. I struggled slipping on my black high top converse, but as soon as they hugged my feet, I set off. I pushed down on the metal doorknob, and the door swung open, slightly creaking as it did so. As soon as I was on the front step, I shut it behind me and jumped down onto the stone pathway. I glanced down at my phone to check the time before leaving; 1:56 pm.

This shouldn't take very long.

I speed walked down the uneven sidewalk, making my way over to her house. I stopped abruptly as I was now I front of it, and took a deep breath before walking up the front steps to her porch. I wiped my sweaty palms on my sweatpants and hesitantly rang the doorbell.

Moments later, the wooden door flew open to see an upset looking Jack. His dark hair was tousled all over his head instead of its normal quiff. He had dark crescents underneath his eyes, and his usually tanned skin was a couple of shades lighter than normal.

"Oh, hey Ethan." he croaked, giving me a weak smile.

"Hey Jack, um I'd like to ask you a question.." I started, uncertain of how this would turn out.

"Go on. I'm listening." he pressed, gesturing his hand.

I heaved out a deep breath and looked him dead in the eye, "So you know how they only allow family to visit Emma, right?"

He nodded slowly, hopefully he as catching onto what I was getting at.

"And I would really like to visit her, so would it be alright if I like... pretended I was you?" I asked nervously, my voice cracking.

"Not a bad idea, Dolan. But who's gonna get you there?" he questioned

Shit, I never though of that. My parents wouldn't drive me out there because they know it's only family who could visit, Cam wouldn't either...fuck I never thought of this.

"U-uh.. I never thought of that." I admitted truthfully, furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's alright bro, I can drive you." he told me, and I widened my eyes in sock.

"R-really?! Thank you so much man!" I exclaimed, giving him the classic bro-hug.

"It's all good, we'll leave tomorrow morning at eight." he said

I nodded my head and bid him a quick goodbye, excitedly making my way back home.

I'll finally get to see her.

Emma's POV

I can't take it anymore, I don't want to be here. My life has just gotten so much worse ever since I came to this place, and the bullying was supposed to stop since I'm away from Ethan. But no, all of this harassment just follows me everywhere I go, and I don't want to deal with it anymore. I was spending yet another night curled up in a ball crying my eyes out, but this would be the last time I'm gonna go have to go through this.

Shaking, I stood up and crept towards my door, pushing down slowly on the freezing cold handle. The slab of wood quietly creaked open, and I shut it quickly behind me. Before going any further, I checked both left and right to. see if anyone was down on either end of the hall, but to my luck, it was just me. I took off down the right side of the hallway, my bare feet padding against the floor. I came to a sudden halt as I neared my destination, the janitors closet.

Alright, now it's time to test if the door is locked. I placed my hand gently down on the door knob, half expecting it to stay put, but as I shifted my weight onto it, the door sprung open. My eyes widened and I smiled to myself, and scurried inside. I flicked on the light switch and began my search, rummaging through all of the dusty shelves and buckets.

"C'mon, there has to be a rope somewhere." I begged, furrowing my eyebrows.

My finger brushed across a rough and uneven fabric, and I yanked the object out from where it was. It was rather long, so it took a while to pull out, but I gasped and did a mental happy dance as I found what I was looking for; a rope.

"Yea, I'm just gonna go put my supplies away." I hear a deep voice grumble.

I quickly shut off the light and peered out the doorway to see where the voice was coming from. There was a big and bulky man wearing a blue jumpsuit making his way towards the closet, he must be the janitor. My heart rate sped up and I began panicking, what am I supposed to do?! The janitor was about 30 meters away, and he was coming from the left side.

I could distract him, I guess.

Luckily there was a light switch that was right next to the door, because without a second thought, I turned the hallway lights off and bolted out to my room. I surely didn't want to get caught, so I ran as fast as I could, my heart drumming in my chest. Once I made it back to my room, I swung the door open and closed and sauntered over to my bed, tucking the rope underneath my pillow.



Emma..? Wyd? Let's hope Ethan's visit works out... (sorry if the chapter was rushed😓)

Hey guys, please let me know your thoughts on this book in the comments, don't forget to vote also!! Let's see how many stars this chapter can get (or favorites lol idk the word😂) remember, this book is almost over. but until then, ✈️LOVE YOU GUYS✈️}


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