Chapter 25

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Emma's POV

My eyes fluttered open, and the blinding white lights nearly killed my vision. I quickly shielded my arm over my face, blocking out the light.

"Emma.." I heard a deep voice whisper.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position, but collapsed back down onto my back as my muscles were too weak. I turned my head to the side to see him sitting there; Ethan.

His eyes widened in shock as I stared at his face, and he flung himself at me. I slightly flinched at his sudden action, but he didn't seem to notice. He wrapped his arms around my frail body, holding me tightly as he sobbed into my shoulder. Normally, I would've hugged him back without hesitation, I would pepper his face with kisses, but today, I didn't. I just sat there, a sudden feeling of hollowness and boredom taking over. As much as I wanted to snake my arms around his waist and reassure him, I couldn't. My brain just wouldn't let me. I breathed heavily as he slowly pried himself off of me, a look of utter confusion painted all over his face. I felt as though someone had just kicked me in the stomach, it hurt me so much to see him look this way.

" everything alright?" he question softly, furrowing his eyebrows.

The door burst open, and about 5 doctors and nurses came shuffling into my room. I wasn't complaining about it though, I was actually rather grateful. I wasn't necessarily planning on answering Ethan, and it was like the doctors knew exactly that it was the right time for them to come in and interrupt our non-existent conversation.

"Emma, how are you feeling? Please, let us know." a female nurse with short brown hair asked, coming up to me.

They all began bombarding me with questions, and I didn't know what to do. It was all just too much for me, so I slowly brought my knees up to my chest, rocking myself back and forth. Breathe Emma, just breathe..
I dug my face into my lap, hoping that they would catch on to the fact that I couldn't answer anything at the moment. The constant noise of chatter eventually died down, and I relaxed a bit.

I felt someone tug on my arm, but I didn't bother to look up to see who it was. I was then lifted up into the air and placed in a wheelchair, my body causing the fabric to sink down a bit as my weight was put on it. I was too tired to fight back at them, so I just hung my head and kept quiet. I was pushed forward with a sudden jolt, and they rolled me out of the room, the small tires running smoothly along the linoleum floor.

I glanced to the side, to see I was being lead down an ongoing hallway, that seemed to just have no end. The squeaking sound of the doctors shoes bounced off of the walls, echoing loudly through the corridor considering this part of the hospital was completely silent. I came to an abrupt stop, and the jingling sound of a key now filled the silence. The door in front if me was unlocked, and I was pushed into the white room.

"Emma, my baby!" my mother wailed.

I looked up at her to notice Jack was also standing close by, his glassy brown eyes filled with confusion and sadness. I let out a shaky breath as he knelt down beside me, a single tear slipping out from the corner of his eye. He held onto both of my hands tightly, and I had to force myself to look away from him, I couldn't stand to see him look so upset.

"So, Mrs.Parks, we have some things to tell you and your family." the doctor started.

"Emma will have to be sent out to Sunrise Detox rehabilitation center out in Toms River just so we can be 100% sure that she has recovered from her...depression." he stated, curling his lip up into a thin line.

As I processed the words he said, my heart fell out of my ass. There was no way in hell that I was going to a fucking rehab center, I can recover perfectly on my own.

"No. I will not go to that stupid rehab center." I spoke up sternly.

"Emma, you don't get to chose. And judging by those actions, it just goes to show that you do need to go there." bullshit. Every time the doctor spoke, all that flowed out of his mouth was constant crap.

"Anything that'll make my daughter get better." my mother said softly, sniffling.

My eyes widened in shock as she spoke, how could she do this to me?! She heard that I didn't want to go, but no, she chooses what the fucked up doctor thinks is best. She should choose what makes me happy.

"Mom?! Why are you doing this to me!" I cried, putting my head in my hands as I sobbed.

"Alright, so it's settled. They'll be here to pick her by noon." the doctor stated, completely ignoring my outburst.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but its for the best." she whispered, gently grabbing my hand.

"Get off of me," I hissed, shoving her backwards, "Just get me out of here."

The man grabbed onto the two handles that stuck to my wheelchair and rolled me all the way back to my room.

Ethan's POV

I still sat on the floor of her room, all alone this time. The hollowness in her eyes scared me honestly, there wasn't a single trace of emotion to be found on her face. And the fact that she didn't hug me back or anything when she woke up earlier, made my heart sink. Her door swung open and in came an anger filled looking Emma, alongside a rather calm doctor.

"W-what happened?" I asked nervously

"Emma will have to be sent out to a rehab center in Toms River. And who are you?" he told me

"What?! But that's nearly 70 miles away from here!" I shouted, ignoring his last question.

"I know, but it's the only rehab center that's closest to here." he stated, "so bid your goodbyes, because she will be picked up at noon."

Beads rolled down my cheeks and I fell down to my knees, fisting my hair in frustration.

"H-how long will she be g-gone?"

"About 5 months, just enough to let her recover. And I'm sorry to say, but they strictly do not allow any visitors, unless it's family. The patients don't need any distractions" he continued talking.

So what's he saying, is that I won't be able to see Emma for five whole months?! This is fucking crazy!

But maybe it's for the best...


I stood off to the sideline, watching as they lifted Emma into the car. This is the last I will see her for 5 months, and it's all my fault. If I hadn't come into her life, she wouldn't have to deal with any of this. She'd be at home, healthy and happy, getting into the holiday spirit. She wouldn't be sent off to a fucking rehab center, and her life would be so much better.

I didn't even bother saying goodbye, it's not like she was actually looking forward to see me. I watched as the engine roared to life and the car pulled out of the parking lot, zooming down the street.

Because of me, Emma is going to be stuck in a recovery center for 5 months. This might as well be the last I ever see of her.


aww poor Ethan, blaming this all on him😔 hopefully Emma can recover, but what'll happen when she comes back?  If she'll be able to come back...

thank you guys so much for nearly 20k reads, that's fucking amazing! you guys are the best! please let me know what you guys think of this book and tell me what you think is gonna happen next!😉 please, don't forget to vote, follow, and share this book with others! 🎏LOVE YOU GUYS🎏}

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