Chapter 16

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(if you're triggered easily, I recommend you do not read this chapter)

Emma's POV

I fell asleep that night, happiness surging through me. I had such an amazing time with Ethan, nothing will ever be able to ruin how good I'm feeling right now.

Buzz. Buzz.

°1 new notification!

My eyes shot open and I sat up, frantically searching through my phone. It was pitch black outside, the blinding light of my phone illuminating my dark room. It was 3:58 am. I swiped across the screen, and the notification lead to Facebook.

"Look at her, what an ugly fuck. I hope she kills herself."

Attached to that comment was a picture. Of me and Ethan...on our date. What the actual fuck?! Who took that picture? How'd they even know we were there, they couldn't have been following us, could they..?

"She doesn't deserve someone like Ethan. He's wayyy to good for her."

"Fake ass bitch. Go cut yourself."

"She probably thinks she's gonna get all famous for dating Ethan. Well listen up bitch, you mean absolutely nothing to anyone, so how about you just get out of all of our lives?"

"He must've been dared to date her or something. Because knowing him, he would definitely not ever want to date someone as ugly and fucked up as her."

My vision blurred, and tears brimmed my eyes. I don't get why everyone hates me..
Tears flowed down my cheeks, and choked out sobs began escaping my mouth. Quickly, I clamped my hand over my mouth to muffle the sobs so I don't wake anyone. I wouldn't want either Jack or my mother walking into my room at 4:00 am to see me crying. They probably wouldn't care though, considering that I mean absolutely nothing to anyone.

You know, what if they're right? Maybe I should do what they're telling me. They wouldn't care, it would only make them happier. And maybe it could also relieve some of the pain that I'm feeling?

I grabbed my razor off of my dresser and brought it with me as I crept out to the bathroom. I quietly closed the door behind me and locked it. I then went and sat down on the counter, eyeing my razor. After about 5 minutes of fiddling around with it, I finally managed to take the blade out. Don't ask me how I did it, because I don't even know.

You deserve to be in pain, you deserve all of this hate. You are just a worthless piece of shit.

I brought the sharp piece of medal to my wrist, and as soon as it made contact with my skin, I dug it into my arm and dragged it across my wrist, slicing my skin open. I did it again, and again, and again. I thought that this would be painful, but it is actually quite relieving. It hurts nowhere near as much as what people are saying about me.

I looked down at my blood covered wrist, and smiled.

This is what they wanted me to do, and I didn't know that the pain would actually feel this good.

{potatoes are actually so good like omf. like I honestly don't get why being called a potatoe is considered an insult. I would take it as a compliment}

Cyber Bullied // Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now