Chapter 30: Timebomb

Start from the beginning

He chuckles. "Asshole,"


Eros and I slept with our arms wrapped around each other. Even though the room's walls are kind of thick, and the windows are closed, I can still hear the soft chattering of the birds on the windowsill. I smile as I feel his hold tighten around me and his lips hover against mine, his breath fanning my face.

Someone enters the room and lets out a gasp and scrambles away. I hear a loud bam of the door and I shut my eyes tightly. Though I open my one eye open just to see Eros doing the same, we have the same thought just by looking at each other's eye. Soon enough, the people start to enter the room and I can feel their murmuring and Eros and I shut our eyes again, pretending to be still fast asleep.

"Do you think he's awake?" Karl's voice echoes around the room. I guess he's referring to me.

"Shh," the voice belongs to Kevin. "If Mike did wake up, then speak in a low tone. You might wake them up!"
"I just wish he did wake up," now the voice belongs to my Dad.

Dad. He went home just to check on me. I know that he should be having fun with his friends. Instead, he went back here. I'm glad that he is my father.

"That, or Eros just being a bastard and laid beside Mike. Advantages," I recognize the voice. It's Noah's. I open an eye slowly, and I see Brad looking at me with those curious eyes that look like Eros'. His smile grows wider as I give him a wink, telling him to keep his lips sealed and he nods furiously.

"Hey, why are you nodding, kid?" Noah asks Brad. Brad doesn't say anything, and I don't know what face he's making.

They all chatter in the room. I resist the urge to snap at them for being so noisy and for interrupting Eros and I's moment.

Then, all of a sudden, a small body climbs up onto us and nobody says anything. It's Brad! He pushes his body forcefully between Eros and I and Brad pokes my cheek. He keeps poking it until I open my eyes and see him grinning at me. I make a face at him and he giggles. Eros, aware that Brad is in between us, wraps his arms around us, sandwiching Brad, which makes an oomf sound. We feel like family.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing there?" Noah says in an exasperated tone.

Deciding to break the news, I speak, "Leave the kid alone, Noah."

"Yeah, leave my kid alone, Noah." Eros joins in.

The room goes silent as I open my eyes and they are staring at me wide eyes, mouth agape, like they can't believe I just spoke. I smirk at them and Dad gives me a grin and everyone huffs except Noah, who's still staring at me it's starting to scare me.

"You," Noah says as he takes a step forward, holding a newspaper.

"Me?" I say innocently, raising a brow at him. "What about me, mate?"

Then Noah begins his mini tantrums. He launches himself and hits me with the newspaper. Every hit makes me laugh. Noah keeps hitting me. Everyone laughs as they watch Noah hit me with the newspaper.
"How dare you scare us like that," Noah continues, still hitting me with the paper. "You freak! How dare you, how dare you, how dare you! I hope you rot in... in..."

"Watch the language, Noah." Eros says as he glares at Noah playfully. Noah glares back. "My son's here and I don't want you to influence him. Brad, don't look at the beast." Brad giggles.

"Noah the Beast?" Everyone laughs at Brad, throwing their heads back.

"Noah the Beast," Eros agrees at Brad's statement.

"Will you stop hitting me?" I say at Noah pleadingly, pouting at him, shielding myself with my hand. "I just woke up from the long sleep and this is how you treat your best friend who just nearly died? How kind of you."

Noah rolls his eyes dramatically and gives me a hug. I hug him back.

"Hey, son," Dad greets me, holding my hand. "Um, Eros? Can you back off my son a little because it's kind of awkward?" They all snigger and I smile. Eros must have told him about us. Eros grumbles and rolls of the bed against his will, scoops Brad and they seat on the couch facing the bed, along with the jocks. "How are you feeling, son?"

"I'm fine, Dad." I assure him, giving him a genuine smile, telling him that I am really okay. "My head hurts a little and there's an uncomfortable feeling behind my back, but still fine."

"Just want to let you know your mum paid a visit," Dad says, brushing my hair like he used to do when I was a kid. My body tenses but relaxes immediately as Dad massages my scalp. He gives me a smile. "She wanted to talk to you about something. I told her you hadn't woken up yet and she could visit anytime as soon as you wake up. You guys need to talk. Especially about the whole situation."

I know what Dad means.

I know that this day would come and I have to talk to mum that Eros is mine. I know she found him first, but I was the one who captured his heart first. That's what matters. Eros and I love each other. Though I haven't told him yet. But I know deep in my heart the he knows I love him more than anything.
I nod at that. "Ring her and tell her to visit. I'll talk to her."

"She has a good news though, that, I don't know." Dad says, ruffling my hair, making it messy. I pout at him. "You're still my kid,"


Dr. Zuta, my doctor, checks my vital signs and he says everything is fine. But still, I need a little rest for my body to recover. He says that he did a surgery to me, that's why I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable behind my back and that's normal. I ask him when I'd be discharge and he says soon. Very. I roll my eyes at him and he just laughs softly. He says patience is a virtue and I scrunch my nose up in disgust at the quote. Patience is not my virtue.

Because believe it or not.

Eros is my virtue.

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