Chapter 5 : Can it be?

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"H-how did you know?" I asked shocked. He smiled at me. It was such a sympathetic smile. It made me feel warm inside, at peace even.
"Because you are meant to be my soulmate, my lover." He said soothingly. I looked at Abby.
"What do you think about this?" I asked her for guidance.
"He seems to be telling the truth. I don't smell any lies at this point." She confirmed.
"But you growled at him before?" I asked confused.
"Yes but studying you two before, i saw that what he said was true about you. What you felt. I saw it in your face. And i know you. You've never had those feelings before. Even when other strangers came into the forest before him, you never hesitated." she confirmed. To be honest she was right.
"That's quite a gift you have." Dean commented. I looked at him, my eyebrows furrowed.
"I sensed that you communicated with the wolf. I admire your gift" he complimented.
"Well we both agree that we believe you. Although it seems unbelievable." i stated. He smiled. He stood and offered me his hand. I slowly took it. He lifted me up.

It took everything in my power not to jump and down and hug her and tell her she'll be so happy with me. I had to try and control my feelings. I am so overjoyed.
"You will come live with me." i said, trying to hold in my excitement. She looked surprised.
"Excuse me?" she asked.
"You heard me correctly." i said. She looked her wolf and i could see they were having a conversation again. After some time of them having a discussion, Liana turned to me. Her name sounded so soft and beautiful.

"We'll come with you." i said. Is this actually happening? Can it be true that he and i are suppose to be together? This is the weirdest day of my life. But now i am going to live in a house again. That's going to feel weird. No foreign. A house. After all my years in woods. Knowing every corner, North, South, East and West. Knowing every tree, brook, plant, river and creature. This was my life and now i am leaving to be normal again. This is so strange. Can it be? Can i be normal again?

My half, my saviourحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن