Chapter Four

131 16 9

Sakura's POV

   "You'll be fine... I hope..."
              ~| us |~

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite," Sasuke's baritone voice filled the auditorium, and instantly the audience was lost in the world of two lovers that could never be together.

And instantly, Naruto's fake squeaky 'girl-voice' as he liked to call it ruined the entire atmosphere of what Sasuke had created.

Sakura resisted the urge to facepalm at her best friend's stupidity. Why, oh why, Naruto. Why couldn't you have just said it normally?

She watched carefully from behind the curtain, examining every single detail of each scene. This needs to be perfect.

After a few more awkward line deliveries from Naruto, and some more gorgeous ones from Sasuke, intermission arrived.

"Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying our program so far; right now we'll be taking an intermission. Please feel free to use the restrooms or to buy snacks and drinks from concessions. The intermission will be fifteen minutes long, so if you are late you will have to stay outside until this act is over. Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed what you've seen!"

Sakura's stomach rumbled, but she was too nervous to pay attention to her hunger pangs. Rubbing at her eyes, she quickly decided to look for Naruto first. I need to make sure he won't leave. Or freak out and hide, like he did last time.

She trudged around backstage, looking for the blonde... Boy?

"Ah! I found you! You were great on stage, Naruto!"

The boy in statement sighed. "Sakura, I'm going to tell you the truth. Now listen carefully, because I'm only going to repeat this once."

Sakura nodded, wondering what wisdom Naruto was going to bestow upon her this time.

Ramen is life? Noodles are good with soup? Sasuke's an idiot?

"I don't like Sasuke."

Sakura chortled. "In the way Romeo and Juliet like each other?"

Naruto scowled. "No, I don't like him in that way! He's only a friend. A best friend, but only a friend."

Sakura smiled. "Okay. He's just a friend."

"Besides, I like you, Sakura-chan!"

Sakura swear dropped. "Naruto, this isn't the best time..."

"Why?" Naruto's blue eyes were wide in shock.

Sakura shifted uncomfortably. "Well... Um..."

"Sakura-chan, if you don't like me, just say it. I'll leave you alone."

Sakura's green eyes widened. "That's not it at all! Naruto, even if I don't like you in that way, you're my best friend! It's just-" here she paused, fidgeting and awkward again.


"You're... Kind of wearing a pink dress. With a wig. And makeup." She coughed awkwardly.

"O-oh..." Naruto stammered. His cheeks turned a flaming red and he looked down at the get-up he had worn for their play. Which he couldn't take off, which made it all the worse.


A chuckle was heard from behind the two, and Sasuke emerged from the darkness, amusement in his eyes.

"That was weird."

Awkward silence.

Pregnant pause.


The two leapt towards the raven, ready to punch the living daylights out of him.

"Intermission is over, please make your way back to your seats. I repeat, intermission is now over, please make your way back to your seats. Thank you, and enjoy the show."

Sakura sighed. "I will not hit you, because you need to look fabulous. So, go freshen up and I want to see you both on stage in three minutes. Stat. Naruto, you need to go see our make-up artist, because your lipstick is on your chin and your wig is lopsided. Guys, if we ace this we don't have to worry about our grades all year."

Sasuke smirked and Naruto grinned. Sakura smiled, and put her hand out, palm facing the floor. Naruto and Sasuke quickly placed their hands over hers, and simultaneously, the three of them cheered.

"Let's go, Team Seven!"

                ~| us |~

Almost done... Sakura thought. They were at the last scene, the scene where Romeo fakes his death to be with Juliet and she thinks he's dead so actually kills herself. Sakura mentally slapped herself.


Her small hands gripped the curtains and her eyes peered out from behind the curtain. Her heart was racing and she was sure everyone in the auditorium could hear it. She swallowed nervously and then inhaled, waiting for Sasuke to begin his lines.

She closed her eyes, anticipating the low echo of his voice.

It never came.

Sakura's eyes shot open and her hands flew to her mouth. Did we screw up? Is it over? She peeked out from behind the curtain only to be met with one of the oddest sights ever.

A raven-haired boy dressed as a prince kissing a boy that was dressed as a princess. Sakura stifled her laughter behind a cupped hand and waited for the two to spring apart.

That didn't take too long. A millisecond later they sprang apart, coughing and hacking their lungs out.



Sakura didn't bother to try to hide her laughter this time. She watched the two boys try to kill each other with fondness in her emerald green eyes.

Uzumaki Naruto...

Uchiha Sasuke...

Haruno Sakura...

That's us. That's who we are.

We are Team Seven.

                       ~| us |~

Hi everyone! I see that I've gotten a lot of votes on this story, more than i expected! Keep up the good work!

So, I've decided a new method. For those who want to help me edit, I'll accept the first two people to VOTE on each chapter as my temporary editors and I will dedicate the chapter to you.

I'm updating more often now because when stupid school starts, I won't be able to as much. So, keep the ideas and comments and reactions rolling in. It helps more than you would know (which I'm sure you do).

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