Chapter Three

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Sakura's POV

           Sakura and Naruto both groaned simultaneously, while Sasuke just smirked.

"Team Seven? Please take your seats."

~| us |~

Sakura groaned and slammed her head against the table. She got stuck with him out of all people. Him. The one who stole her marker. The one who stole her best friend.

Sakura growled. She would never forgive him for being handsome. Just because of his looks, she lost her best friend to the dark side. All she had left was Naruto. And if Naruto turned, well, let's just say it would all be over.

She took a quick look around the classroom to assess the damage, only to see that this Sasuke has turned most of her class against her already. Ino was glaring at her too, for sitting next to this jerk.

Ino has fallen.

This was war.

~| us |~

"Alright class, it is time for your first activity. We're going to act out plays. I'm going to hand out scripts and it is your job to designate each person to a character. Remember guys, read with emotion!"

Kakashi-sensei passed the scripts out, and people began to read the pamphlets that were handed out.

Sakura picked up the one that had bee on laid on their table. Kakashi-sensei had dropped it off with a creepy glint in his eye... I wonder if he needs glasses.

She flipped a few pages in and began reading aloud.

"Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo? What is this?" She flipped a few more pages in and read a sentence aloud again.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell just as sweet...?" Sakura finished, puzzled.

"Kakashi-sensei! I don't get our script!" Naruto shouted across the classroom. Kakashi's smile was like a beam of sunlight; it was so bright.

He walked over here with that smile on his face, and picked up our script. "Oh, well lookie here! Team Seven is the one that got the advanced script! Good luck, Team Seven. For this script, since it is very abundant in characters and confusing dialogue, I want you to act out the most famous scene. I need two people to play Romeo and Juliet, and one person to do stage. Are you up to it? Great!" He didn't even give us a chance to answer... That's okay. Because I have a plan.

I turned to Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto had a flabbergasted look on his face; Sasuke an annoyed one.

"Sakura-chan! It's too hard! I won't be able to do this!"

"Why do we have to do this one...? I mean, I know we have me and Sakura but we also have Naruto..." Sasuke grumbled.

I clapped my hands together. "Shut it, guys. Here's what we're going to do."

                     ~| us |~

(Two weeks later)

"Okay everyone, sit down! Our presentations are about to begin! We'll begin with Team One, who is doing the Star-Bellied Sneetches..."

The audience clapped and Team One's show started.

Sakura couldn't hear anything. She was so nervous for their act. We didn't get hardly enough time... But we did pretty well. Relax. But she couldn't. So instead of watching a story about how one group wanted stars and the other didn't, she trotted backstage to check on her teammates.

"Sasuke? Naruto?" She whispered as she peeked into the dressing room. "You guys done yet?"

A blonde head popped out from behind the set. "Sakura-chan! Over here!"

Sakura quickly walked over there, to make sure both of them had done everything she told them to do. To make sure a certain someone followed the rules.

"Sasuke? Oh wow, you look great."

Sasuke was dressed up like a mini Prince Charming. He had the velvet coat, the brass buttons, the boots and everything.

"You think we'll pull it off?"

Sasuke smirked. "As long as Naruto doesn't screw anything up, we're in the green."

Sakura exhaled in relief. "I'm gonna go check on Naruto, okay? I'll see you on stage, then. Good luck! Break a leg!"

She went tiptoeing past backstage and hunted for Naruto, who was freaking out.


"Sakura-chan! Oh thank god you're here? What if I mess up my cues? What if I open up at the wrong time?!"

Sakura smiled. "Relax, Naruto. You'll do great! We've worked so hard on this, the three of us. There's no way we could screw up. And we're just a bunch of five-year olds! Don't worry, Naruto. You'll be fine."

Naruto shakily nodded his head, and before they knew it, they heard their cue.

~| us |~

"And please welcome the most advanced team in our class: Team Seven! Team Seven will be doing an excerpt of an extremely famous play for us today... Please, sit back and enjoy!"

Sakura pulled the curtains back and watched Sasuke and Naruto on stage, with worry shining in her eyes.

"You'll be fine, guys... I hope..."

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