Chapter 32

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The moment Pitch had disappeared, the black band let Kristoff go and he crashed to the floor. He immediately crawled over to Anna and held her hand to his lips. At the touch, more colour returned to Anna's skin and hair. But she still didn't wake up and was still pale. Jack helped Hans up to a sitting position and thanked him. Elsa only looked at Hans in utter shock and confusion. Hans buried his face in his hands and muttered, "I'm sorry...for all that I had done to you and the pain I caused you..." Just then, the rest of the guardians burst in, looking around for Pitch. "Pitch is probably gone for good," Jack informed the guardians. They audibly breathed a sigh of relief and North commented, "No wonder the night mares disappeared so suddenly." Elsa stood up abruptly and walked towards Anna, "Jack, you said you all could save Anna." Jack exchanged glances with the rest of the guardians. There was a a risk. Hans was not hurt so much that he could not walk so he and the guardians headed to Anna.

They crowded around Anna and Sandy started forming a flurry of images above his head. North nodded grimly and translated what Sandy had just said, "The only way is to wake her is to have a person enter her nightmares and lead her out of it. However, that person runs the risk of losing their way in the nightmare if they do not keep a clear head." "I'll go." Kistoff replied immediately, without hesitation. Elsa opened her to protest but Kristoff interrupted her, "I know, but I can't just sit here and wait, I want to do something for Anna." Elsa closed her mouth and Kristoff nodded to Sandy. Sandy gestured for him to lie down. Kristoff laid down beside Anna and closed his eyes while Sandy waved a hand over him. Dreamsand swirled above Kristoff's head.

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