Ever so gently, I kneaded my finger tips into his back, and he made a purring sort of sound, "Oh... that is nice." 

I leaned forward and nuzzled my head up next to his fuzzy ear, whispering softly, "Where does your back hurt?"

Harry squeaked, reaching behind him and pointing to his lower back, so I dropped my hands down to rub at the muscles there. Harry sighed happily, and Niall walked into the room, "Whoa! What are you-"

"Calm down, Niall," I glance back to see that Chris had appeared behind him. "He's giving him a back rub. You try carrying around a baby."

"I want to," Niall pouted, crossing his arms.

"Ooh," Chris patted Niall's shoulder. "Sorry, mate. Soft subject?"

"Very soft," I called to them, turning back to the younger boy.

Chris came and plopped down on the recliner, that was now to the left of the couch instead of on the right like it had been before. I'd switched it places with the loveseat. Liam and Niall sat on the loveseat while Chris sat in the recliner, and Zayn came in and plopped himself down onto Chris' lap.

"I say we eat lunch before we help unload boxes," Niall said.

"Yes!" Harry agreed. "So hungry!"

"Silly boy, why didn't you say something?" I kissed his shoulder and tried to slide out from behind him. "I would have found you food."

"You were busy," Harry shrugged. "And I was fixing DVDs!"

"But you and Jelly Bean always come first," I poked his nose as he turned to nuzzle under my arm. "Okay? Always."

"So what is for lunch?" Chris asked. "You don't have much..."

"I want some applesauce," Harry shrugged. "And peanut butter."

"Back to the cravings, huh?" Zayn grimaced.

"And feet and back aches," I petted Harry's hair. "In another few months we'll have our Baby Bean!"

"Yes!" Harry squeaked happily, stroking his tummy. "Baby Jelly Bean!"

"So have you all thought of names other than Jelly Bean?" Liam asked curiously. "Wait... you aren't going to actually name the kid Jelly Bean, right?"

"No!" Harry giggled. "We have not talked about names though... we do not know what our baby is, yet!"

"We'll probably choose when we find out," I agreed.

"Well... what names do you like?" Chris pressed.

"Umm..." Harry pursed his lips. "For a boy I like Louis!"

"We can't name him after me, what about you?" I laughed.

"William?" Harry asked again.

"Still too closely related to my name... now your name would be okay... how about Edward?" I grinned.

"No," Harry poked out his bottom lip and looked down, talking gently to his tummy. "You like Louis if you are a boy, right? Baby says yes."

"That's cheating," I accused.

"What if it's a girl, though?" Niall asked. "Harriet! Louiet?"

Both my and Harry's noses scrunched, "What?"

"Harriet could be a pretty name," I shrugged.

"Not for our baby, though..." Harry shook his head.

"Is Louiet even a name?" Liam laughed.

"Louise!" Harry crowed.

"Oh," Liam nodded. "See, I like that..."

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now