Phantastic part 1

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Sup ya hobo's.
How's life
You know what I don't care but here's a little Phan to sooth those daily problems :D
I actually wrote this for PunkishCloud So if you like Phan check out her story 99 days (written with Yosunii )

**WARNING** Contains a sensitive subject

I just cried.
All I could do was cry.


Dan had never been so exited in his life.

He was speeding towards the hospital to pick up Phil with a beaming smile on his face. Unfortunately Phil had been diagnosed with cancer causing agony and stress since day one. Today was the day that he got the all clear and was able to return home well again.

As Dan parked up in the hospital car park, he practically leaped out the car and began to run into the entrance. With all the excitement Dan also became flustered with all the searching and time it took to finally find where Phil was, packing the last thing in his suitcase. His lion teddy.

Without hesitation Dan bounded over to him like a floppy puppy, hugging Phil tightly around his shoulders. Tears began to run down their faces as they were alone.

"Phil!! I-I jus- I'm so happy!!" Dan was so overwhelmed he almost fell into Phil as he collapsed onto the bed. Phil chuckled lightly, sitting next to his best friend and putting his hand on his back "Hey, I'm meant to be the ill one!" Dan flipped over looking into his eyes, knowing that he had Phil back to himself again.

The two of them talked for a bit as they walked back to the car. " you think it will ever look the same?" Phil removed his beanie that he'd currently been wearing, with a slight look of worry in his eyes, and ran his hands over the tiny sprouts of hair on his head. Dan replied with a smile "In no time" and as they reached the car, Dan put his hand on the back of Phil's neck to pull him closer, kissing him lightly on the forehead.

"Come on. I have a surprise." Dan grinned at him, opening the door and helping him in.

Dan's POV

I had blindfolded Phil when we got into the car and drove to the ice rink, parking the car. Guiding him to the door, he was giggling and squirming when I took him through to the skate hire room. Finally after a lot of pleading from him, I took off his blindfold and when he saw the skates he looked excited yet worried.

"Oh wow Dan this is so great." He hugged me tight and whispered in my ear " know I can't skate...and you're so good." He looked straight at me as if he had disappointed me. I knew I had to reassure him. I leaned in closer to him "Don't worry, I'll help you Philly." That seemed to do the trick.

I helped Phil put on his skates, then mine, and we walked to the ice rink doors and waited for it to open. Phil looked like Bambi and we weren't even on the ice yet, holding onto my shoulder.

I had only told him we were going ice skating, not that every Friday the rink has a disco. Just as the doors were being opened I turned to Phil and grabbed his hand "Hey, do you like lights and music?" He stared at me, puzzled, but not a second later the doors were open and people behind us (with more experience) were walking past and just jumped on the ice, speeding off like some sort of experts. It was reasonably dark with different coloured lights swirling around "Wow Dan this looks so cool!" I held his hand tightly and guided him onto the ice.


Hui guise!! Ya I know it's short and sad but I'm just terrible at updating so I'm doing this one in parts
Anyone have any requests for me to do?
Peace out noobs
Keep nooting, Jess x

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