Chapter 22

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Jake:" so when did Mikey break up with Bianca?"
You:" I have no idea."
Jake:" did she come too?"
You:" yeah."
Jake:" where is she?"
You:" somewhere with Samantha. Do you want me to go find her?"
Jake:" no. I just wanted to make sure I could have you to myself now." He puts his arms around your waist and starts kissing you. Then he whispers in your ear.
Jake:" you want to come gets some air with me."
You:" no. Because we might not come back. And people will start looking for us."
Jake:" that's ok. They won't find us."
He moves his hands down to your butt. You laugh.
You:" people are staring."
Jake:" well let's give them something to see."
He kisses you again, making every kiss count. Everyone oohs. Someone whistles. You laugh.
Jake:" see? They just want a show."
He kisses again.

You:" ok Jake. We can stop now. I think they've seen enough."
Jake:" I don't think so."
He keeps kissing you.
You:" Jake seriously stop."
He keeps kissing you.
You:" Jake!"
Mikey comes over and pulls Jake off of you.
Mikey:" she said stop!"
You:" Mikey it's ok."
Jake:" yeah Mikey it's ok so just leave before you get hurt."
Mikey:" oh yeah and who's going to hurt me?"
They were face to face now.
Jake:" do you really want to find out?"
You:"guys stop. Not here. Don't do this."
Mikey:" y/n stay out of this."
Jake:" don't tell her what to do. She's not stupid."
Miley:" she was stupid to go out with you."
That did it.

Jake pushes Mikey.
Jake:" oh really?"
Mikey:" yeah. She obviously doesn't know what she wants."
He pushes Jake back.
Jake:" she knows what she wants. And it's not you."
Mikey tackles Jake to the floor. They start throwing punches.
You:" Guys! Stop!"
Everyone was looking now. About 30 secs later two policemen pulled them off of each other. Jake was hit in the eye and it was already starting to swell up. Mikey was barely hurt. He only had a scratch above his eye.
They were to busy yelling at each other to realize that you had left. You'd had enough. You walk outside and sit in one of the chairs on the outside of the restaurant.

Why was all of this happening to you? All you wanted to do was have a nice night with your boyfriend on his birthday and of course you can't even have that. Someone comes up behind you and puts their hand on your shoulder. It's Selena.
Selena:" hey, are you ok?"
You:" yeah of course. My boyfriend and my best friend were beating each other up. What could be better?"
Selena:" I'm sorry. Do they always do that?"
You:" it's never gotten physical before. I just can't deal with either of them right now. And I have no idea how I can be in the same building with them."
Selena:" aren't you staying with Jake?"
You:" *sigh+ yeah. . . I don't even want to think about him right now."
But how could you not? You loved Jake even when he pissed you off.
Selena:" maybe you should come stay with me for the weekend."
Selena:" of course! I don't mind. And it would be so much fun."
You:" thank you so much Selena."
Selena:" no problem."
You:" do you mind if we go now?"
Selena:" not at all. Let's go."
You walk with Selena to her car and you drive to her place.

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